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As Mars goes direct on the 27th we are all asked inward one more time. The deeper we dive the more we will find.

While Mars has been basically wreaking havoc in our lives partnered up with Mercury for the past couple months things are finally going to be dying down. The pieces of yourself you come across now are going to be pieces of your true being.

Because Mars is a planet of action and motivation and will finally be able to work properly you will be able to really break through the surface of your soul. We have been held back for so long that this breath of fresh air is going to be extremely overwhelming. Do not let yourself wander, if you get ahead of yourself or in too deep you may not be able to get the things done that need to be done.

You see, now that retrograde season is nearing its end we are all going to be finally pushing towards success. The YOU that you find through Mars finally being as it should be will really bring forth a lot of eye-opening experiences. While you might not be aware of them all their purpose will make itself known in the end.

Whatever things end up rising to the surface of your being during this time should not be ignored. We are all ready for progress and if we persevere progress is what we will find. Mars going direct will bring a new wave of energy that you have been needing. This inspirational time is going to really make a difference in your life. Do not let yourself down.

Take a look at the video below to see what the coming month has in store for you. While it will be interesting and relaxing for most of us, as time goes by things will become quite serious. Are you looking forward to Mars going direct? I for one cannot wait.

Mars is a very powerful planet and when it is retrograding, it takes a toll on us all. Listen to that little voice within, he or she might have a lot more to say than you think. There is a lot headed your way.