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Happy New Year! With 2021 behind us, and 2022 ahead, I think many of us are happy to move forward and see what the next year has in store for us; thankfully astrology has us covered with some unique predictions for the coming year.

Despite being excited for the new year, I think it’s also pretty normal for us to also be hesitant because the past few years have been a bit rocky. However, Kyle Thomas, a globally recognized astrologer, says that we should be able to put our fears aside because the coming year “will be a better year than recent ones.”

For centuries, people have used astrology to give them insights into their past, present, and future. And Thomas has a lot to say about what’s in store for 2022. The major theme for the year will be a connection, not only to ourselves but also to others.

With Jupiter in Pisces until May 10th, many of us will be in a period of reflection during those months, trying to pick up the pieces of ourselves and finding a way to move forward. Additionally, we are going to be feeling a lot more in harmony overall with the world around us, and ushering a feeling of romanticism towards life again.

After leaving Pisces, Jupiter will find its way into Aries until October, pushing us to reignite the fire within that pushes us to grow and make a better life for ourselves. During these times, it will be important to use that energy to motivate ourselves and if we do, Thomas says, “you’ll quickly see the universe rewarding you for your perseverance!”

Another plus coming this year is that we will be pushed to draw inwards and reflect due to the many retrogrades. Not only is Venus retrograde until January 29, but we will also see the following retrogrades in the upcoming year:

Venus retrograde: December 19, 2021, until January 29, 2022

Mercury retrograde: January 14, 2022 – February 3, 2022

Mercury retrograde: May 10, 2022 – June 2, 2022

Mercury retrograde: September 9, 2022 – October 2, 2022

Mars retrograde: October 30, 2022 – January 12, 2023

Mercury retrograde: December 29, 2022 – January 18, 2023

We will also be pushed towards transformation in many ways, with four eclipses taking place throughout the year. Each eclipse pushes us through fated changes, and work as portals to bring us into new phases and levels in our life. These particular eclipses all take place on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, pushing us into shifts that take place around the energy of expansion and financial abundance.

During the second half of the year, Thomas explains that we are likely to see some major transitions within governments. According to him, “Expect major situations with governments and people in power to fall from grace due to these themes in the second half of 2022. Financially and economically, the first half of the year is much better than the second half.”

And with Saturn moving through Aquarius, Thomas says that there will likely be much divide on how governments use their power to “impose restrictions upon its people.” In turn, we will feel pushed to find a middle ground. Another transit taking place, called the Pluto return, is that Pluto will return to the same position it was when the United States was born. This only happens every 248 years, so it’s something none of us have ever endured.

This is likely to cause “civil unrest, international friction, and uncertainty about the path forward for the United States.”

The good news is, as long as the United States “is focused on truly building a better future for everyone, the decades ahead will be exceptionally bright.” So, overall, good things are coming for all of us, and I think it’s good to stay focused on that. Happy New Year, everyone! 2022 may very well be our year.