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Each night this week, Uranus should be visible if you know where to look.

While normally we don’t have much trouble seeing planets like Mars and Jupiter, seeing Uranus is not something that happens all the time, at least not without a telescope or some kind of binoculars. Sure, it won’t be as bright and prominent as some of the other usually visible planets but it will still be something the unaided eye can see if you know what you’re looking for. wrote as follows on this mesmerizing planet:

Of course, you’ll have to know exactly where to look for it. Astronomers measure the brightness of objects in the night sky as magnitude. Smaller numbers indicate brighter objects, with negative numbers denoting exceptionally bright objects. But Uranus is currently shining at magnitude +5.7, relatively dim on the scale; barely visible by a keen naked eye on very dark, clear nights. 

It will be just to the left of Mars and shouldn’t be that hard to identify with the moon out of the way. While some people may have a little trouble finding it overall most should spot it fairly quickly. It’s been spotted a good bit as of late and well, the fun continues.

I know, it might not sound like much to most but if you’re into spacey things, this is a chance to really get back out there even if you don’t have fancy equipment. Uranus is a planet that is highly misunderstood and well, as time passes like the other planets we are learning more about it as well. It being the seventh planet from the Sun, we don’t often pay it too much attention. Uranus doesn’t get anywhere near as much hype as some of the others do and honestly, that needs to change.

That having been said if you do have a telescope of some kind I do suggest getting it out and using it for the best possible view. Seeing things through a telescope is always better as a whole. While Uranus is still pretty far away being able to see it is quite interesting for a lot of reasons. I for one love situations like this and spend a lot of time looking for planets in the night sky.