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Jupiter is about to go retrograde and everything at the moment feels pretty upside-down, to say the least. If you’re unsure of where to go from here, you are not alone. Jupiter’s retrograde begins on April 10th and will be in Sagittarius.

This retrograde will be a pretty long one as it will not be over until August 11th. During this time you will most likely feel quite reflective and charged. This retrograde is going to hold a lot of growth for us all but for some that growth will not be easy to face.

When it comes to the world of romance and love you can expect a great deal of pain to be headed your way. Our emotions are going to be running high and any issues that come up will feel ten times more intense than they would otherwise. For those who may not know Jupiter is the planet that holds many conflicting things like purpose, possibility, optimism, and overindulgence.

While Jupiter is spending sometime retrograding many of us will be learning more about ourselves and finding ways to bring happiness from within. We will be really looking at our lives and trying to figure out where we’ve been lacking and what changes need to be made in order to get to a better place both mentally and physically. Those who refuse to work with these energies may become quite greedy and self-righteous.

According to Astrology King, fixed star Lesath will also play a big role in this retrograding period. This bringing forth a bit more conflict than most of us want to deal with. It is important to keep this in mind as desperation might make its way into the lives of many. Because of this fixed star there may be an increase in accidents or other things of the sort. Doing your best to think things through might be more crucial than you realize.

Since this retrograde is going to be a long one, recharging properly as needed is going to help tremendously. Don’t overwork yourself or try to be someone you’re not. Giving yourself a moment to breathe when one is needed can and will help you to stay on your feet. Retrogrades like this one come with both good and bad energies, it is up to each of us to work through what is before us rather than ignore it.

If you have been feeling as if your life lacks meaning that is about to change. Stop lugging behind and put yourself out there. Hope and possibility will become quite prominent in the weeks to come and the harder you try the more results you will see. Don’t let minor setbacks ruin your efforts, in the end as long as you’re doing your best you will see positive changes.

To learn more about what this retrograde might hold for you please take a peek at the video below. Are you looking forward to all that is headed your way? I for one am nervous and thrilled at the same time.

(Image Via: Pixabay)