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As we get closer and closer to the 5th of June, the penumbral lunar eclipse is upon us. This eclipse will bring with it some pretty intense energies and well, we’re not prepared. 

This eclipse according to Astrology King will be happening in the sign Sagittarius which brings out our selfish and flighty side. This whole celestial event for many will be a moment of recharge before storms settle in and that is something we all need to be aware of so that we can ground ourselves properly. While remaining as grounded as possible won’t make you avoid these energies it may tone them down in our lives at least on some levels. 

This eclipse will likely strain lots of relationships and bring some of them to an end. The way you handle conflict during the time this energy is before us matters. Don’t do anything you may regret later otherwise you may lose someone you truly care for.

Do your best not to be hateful and allow these energies to flow through you but not to control you. While they have some influence they should not be running rampant in our lives. Keep in mind who is your friend and who is your foe. Don’t bite the hand of those who are only trying to feed you. 

Astrology King wrote as follows on these up and coming energies:

The June 5 lunar eclipse is not a good omen for strained relationships. Even maintaining harmony in healthy relationships will require extra effort. Patience and unconditional love are needed to stop frustration and irritation quickly escalating to anger and hostility.

So the lunar eclipse June 2020 astrology could test even the strongest of love relationships. As for enemies, the danger of impulsive actions leading to conflict is very real. The threat of war is amplified by the “boldness and a drive to gain power” from the star Ras Algethi. And “large portions of mankind” could be affected by events like war and earthquakes.

The effects of the June 5 lunar eclipse may not last the usual six months of an eclipse because it is superseded by the July 5 lunar eclipse. But the June 5 lunar eclipse will form an eclipse phase of at least two weeks duration with the June 21 solar eclipse.

There are quite a few powerful influences over this event and some of those include Venus and Mars. These two planets will be making us more afraid of the pain before us and also lazier as a whole. As you would expect, these are not good mixtures at all. 

For more information on the astrological side of things with this lunar eclipse please take a peek at the video below. While there might be a lot headed our way it’s nothing we cannot handle. We are going to come out of this just fine in the end.