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July’s new moon is almost upon us as it occurs on the 20th of this month. While this might not sound like a big deal to some, this moon is really going to throw things out of whack for a lot of us.

Each zodiac sign is going to have something different in store for it. While we’re all going to be learning a lot from these energies, they might make us more confused than anything. Below I am going to go over what each sign should be expecting within reason from these energies. That having been said, do keep in mind that regardless of our sun signs, we also need to look into other aspects for some of the differences that may come forth.


The new moon we’re about to face is going to have you wondering if you’re moving in the right direction or not but don’t be discouraged. If you are working towards something don’t give up. Things are not always what they seem.


While this new moon might make you feel more emotional than usual, there are some interesting things you’re about to find out. As the days pass you may learn something you’ve been needing to learn. Keep your eyes and ears open to all that may be headed your way.


During this new moon, you are going to be offered the chance to really get to know yourself a little better. I know, you already think you know what you need to about yourself but there are sides of your being even you aren’t as aware as you should be of. Now is not the time to be stubborn.


This new moon takes place in your sign and with that, you’re going to be feeling pretty on top of the world. Don’t let all of this go to your head. Remember that even during times like these you need to be humble. Focus more on your dreams now while you’re able to.


The new moon we’re about to face is going to remind you that you need time to yourself. You of all people are in serious need of a chance to recharge. Allow yourself to let go and close off just enough to really get the break you’ve been wanting but refusing to take.


I know, you are not one to take this kind of thing seriously but this new moon is going to bring you to a place in your life where you’re more willing to be true to who you are. Embrace your ‘weird’ side and let your flaws show. People will like this ‘you’ more than you might expect them to.


This new moon could bring out the worst in you. While you’ve been pretty stressed lately things are going to be getting worse before they get better. Just, please, do not give up.


This new moon for you is going to be a bit heartbreaking for a number of reasons. You’re going to be learning something you don’t want to know and well, it is going to change a lot of things for you. While how you handle this could make a big difference, take your time in deciding how to move forth.


This new moon is going to bring some changes to your life that you’re not sure you’re ready for. Take comfort in knowing that the universe won’t place something before you that you cannot handle. You are right where you need to be, learn the lessons before you.


I know, this new moon might have you feeling lost but you’re not actually lost. You are just searching within and there is nothing wrong with that. Take your time and come back to things when you’re ready.


The new moon we’re about to face already has you on edge. You’re going to be losing friends and really seeing the truth behind some of the people in your life as things unfold. While this might feel like a rough period in your life, it’s actually going to help you in the long run.


Things are not always what they seem, this new moon for you is going to allow you to finally mourn the past and look more towards the future. Stop holding back so drastically and try your best to just be yourself. Everything that you need to address will be addressed in due time.