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Every 28 days, the moon cycles from new to full, with each cycle lasting approximately three days. Currently, the moon is in the news cycle, a super new moon in Capricorn, and this short window is providing us with a unique opportunity to manifest the greatest year yet.

Each new moon falls under a zodiac sign, with this one falling under Capricorn, and it coincides with the full moon that is also under the same sign. The Capricorn full moon is also a supermoon, taking place on July 13. Right now, we are provided with the opportunity for a new beginning, and with the energy of Capricorn fueling this new beginning, we will be unstoppable.

Capricorn is a highly driven and very practical sign that is disciplined and sets its sights on a goal and stops at nothing to achieve it. Additionally, the energy of Uranus is coinciding with this new moon, which allows us to approach our lives in a way we haven’t before. It allows us to approach our goals with new ambitions and offers us a fresh opportunity to learn new things and trot down a new path.

If you are wondering how to use this energy to manifest the best year possible, here are 7 tips.

1. Don’t give up.

Roadblocks will present themselves throughout your journey. But these blocks are not permanent, instead, they will push you to try even harder, and while it may seem frustrating at times, the best things worth having take more work. Keep that in mind.

2. Allow yourself a failure and use it to your advantage.

Don’t let failure prevent you from pushing forward. Failure isn’t the end, and our mistakes are what teach us what isn’t working, allowing us to try and use a different approach. Eventually, you’ll make your last mistake, and then, you will succeed.

3. Set your sights on your goals.

What do you want from life? Get clear on what you want and write your goals down. Then, make a plan to approach and achieve them.

4. Be practical in your goals.

However, don’t set unreachable goals. Instead, be practical. Write down your aspirations and break them down into achievable goals. Then, when you reach a smaller goal, set your sights on the next.

5. Don’t be afraid to take chances.

So often in life, we allow our fears to prevent us from achieving our goals. Don’t allow fear to rule your life. Instead, take the chance, because if it scares you, it’s worth it.

6. Use manifestation techniques.

Use the law of attraction to meet your goals. Write down what you want most, as though it’s already happening. Believe what you write and envision it and visualize it. Place that piece of paper somewhere you can see it every day to keep you focused.

7. Focus on your calling.

What do you feel called to do in life? What encourages you to push extra harder on the days that you feel like you can’t? Think about that and let it guide you towards your goals.