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This week we are facing a lot of different energies some of which are going to have us feeling like we’re being pulled in all different directions. Some of us might already be feeling this but for those who aren’t, you’re in for a very rude awakening.

The energies before us right now are going to have us experiencing a lot of new opportunities no matter how small. Some of these will play out for our own good and others might seem rough for a little while. The important thing at the moment is that we think through all of the things we’re doing.

You don’t want to dive into anything half-cocked right now. The more you work through the things before you and actually make educated decisions the further you’re going to get overall. In the celestial world, the things happening are going to be pushing us to be more emotional but to also really work towards setting our internal plans in motion. This is a good thing but could end up making a lot of us quite uncomfortable.

These energies are essentially what you make of them. If you expect bad things to come from them, that’s what you’re going to be facing. Manifesting right now is a good idea but don’t assume that things will be handed to you, no matter what there will be some kind of work involved. You’re capable of a lot more than you realize and this week is going to prove exactly that to you.

This week in a lot of ways will be quite transformative for a number of reasons. If you keep your head high and really work to make the most of what is before you, you’re going to go far. I know, it sounds a bit nuts but that’s just how things are right now.

During this period we should all be working to help ourselves and focusing on the right areas. Don’t keep being so self-less. Sure, helping others is never a bad thing, but you need to make sure your boundaries are not being crossed and that you’re not hurting yourself for the sake of those around you.

Are you ready for this week or are you on edge? The more you worry about things the worse you’re going to feel, overall you need to take charge right now. These energies will only do so much, you have to make them work for you not the other way around.