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As we move forth through December we know there is a new moon coming up and a solar eclipse. While most of us will not be able to see this solar eclipse, we will be feeling the energies off of it.

This whole ordeal happens on the 14th of this month and it is a powerful situation. It opens a portal of change that we cannot avoid, no matter how badly we want to. This new moon will be in Sagittarius and for those who do not know will make us want to run away from all of our problems. That being said, we do not need to do that, we need to be facing some of the issues before us head on.

Astrology King wrote as follows on some of the energies this duo brings forth:

The December 14 solar eclipse is conjunct Mercury. So the major themes of the solar eclipse astrology are thinking and communication. The solar eclipse and Mercury trine Mars creates positive, well-balanced energy. It gives the desire and initiative to make plans, set new goals, and act on them with courage and confidence.

New moon December 2020 and Mercury square Neptune brings the potential for confusion, deception, and susceptibility to infection. But the positive Mars aspects are stronger. This means quick thinking and clarity can overcome confusion and deception. You can be direct and assertive instead of unsure and hesitant.

The fixed stars bring the potential for immorality, misfortune, and epidemic infection. But they also give caution, thoughtfulness, quick thinking, and insight to protect yourself.

I know, that might sound like a lot but the truth is you cannot hide from the things before you. You need to be cautious and caring but you also need to keep your own interests in mind moving forth. Making plans and getting to where you need to be is not easy but it is worth it when all is said and done.

You are capable of so much and you need to remember that. To learn more about what these energies have to offer take a look at the video below. There is more coming than you could ever imagine.