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Whether you are reading this before or after the new moon, this message is one you need to pay close attention to. The new moon for this month is going to be in Virgo and because of that whether you like it or not over the course of the next few weeks you will be pushed through a lot.

This new moon is set to occur on the 9th of September and with that new moon, you are going to be forced inward. You are going to be feeling as if all the problems you’ve been facing are not as big as they were before. You’re going to be resting your mind and your body all the while letting go of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying.

“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” 
― Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony

During this time the universe is going to be speaking to you in more ways than you realize. If you don’t slow down you’re not going to notice the messages before you. This new moon is going to really provide you with all the opportunities you have really been needing in your life.

You are going to be coming to terms with all the lies and deception that others have been making you deal with for the past few months. This inner focus you’re going through is going to uncover parts of your being that you didn’t know existed but because you are going to be lifted up and at a place of power.

Take this as a breath of fresh air and use it to move towards your dreams. If you feel pushed to something do not fight it. While the universe speaks to us all in different ways if you are being sent a message you will know. Listen closely and check out the video below to learn more.

(Photo by Dhaval Parmar on Unsplash)