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When it comes to the things ahead, your subconscious knows more than you might realize. The things we lock within are more tuned into our higher selves and can really help us along our paths in this world if we know how to dive into them.

If you think you’re in need of some guidance, perhaps diving into what your subconscious may know about the month before you could help. In order to do that, you need to simply take a look at the crystals in this image and choose the one you are most drawn to. That is the crystal that holds your message and from there you can figure out what it is you need to be more aware of.

Crystal #1

If you were most drawn to this crystal you are in need of a lot of healing this month. You’ve been going through a lot lately and now is your chance to finally clear the air and get everything out in the open. I know, that can be scary but for you, it will be very beneficial.

Crystal #2

If you were most drawn to this crystal you are surrounded by lots of people but not all of them are as positive as they seem to be. Toxic people are good at disguising themselves, and you need to realize that. Perhaps you should rethink the company that you keep.

Crystal #3

If you were most drawn to this crystal the month before you is going to be one that shapes how you see things in big ways. You are in need of a lot of reflection and that much is quite apparent. Perhaps you should not be so willing to dive into new things right now, take things slow.

Crystal #4

If you were most drawn to this crystal February overall is going to be a month full of opportunities. You’re headed towards lots of different doors and choosing which ones to walk through will not be easy. Make sure you weigh things out properly before jumping too far.