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Chiron is going to be going retrograde on July 8th in Aries and will be retrograding until December 12th. While that might not seem like too long, the energies surrounding it are going to seemingly drag on forever.

For those who do not know Chiron is basically a planet-like-asteroid (or so some say). To begin with we thought it was one of Saturn’s moons but as time has passed we have learned it is not quite that at all. While you might not hear much about Chiron in general, it is a very prominent figure in the celestial world.

This retrograde in itself is quite interesting as it happens while several other things in the celestial world are retrograding. For instance, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and even Mars are all in their backward motion and will be for a while. When Chiron is retrograding we are all forced inward and pushed to really come to terms with our pasts.

We as the days begin to pass will notice that there is a lot coming out of the dark that we want to be left hidden. Do not become discouraged, eventually, things will begin to make more sense. We are going to be made to heal be it one way or another and because of that, we should be doing our best to grow.

Spirit Daughter wrote as follows in regards to Chiron retrograding and our 

With Chiron in retrograde, he brings the subconscious to light. The wounds and trauma we have buried deep within come out for acknowledgment. Although slightly uncomfortable, it’s a great opportunity to heal. Most of the issues tethered to Chiron have to do with abandonment and self-worth. It’s important to embrace these feelings when they come up and find their root cause. This can feel like a treasure hunt in some ways. Often times our pain does not come from where we think it does. Some of it we may have carried over from a previous life. Some of it may not be ours, to begin with, we’ve just taken it on from those around us. While some of our pain may be things we hold on to out of comfort, simply because it’s a familiar feeling. This pain is the most troublesome because often we don’t who we would be without it. This is where courage comes in. We have to be courageous to let go of our pain. Just like anything we release, it frees up space and what will take its place is unknown. As we heal, we enable the energy to go somewhere else, and as scary as it may be, the unknown is better than the known in this case.

With Chiron in retrograde, he brings the subconscious to light. The wounds and trauma we have buried deep within come out for acknowledgment. Although slightly uncomfortable, it’s a great opportunity to heal. Most of the issues tethered to Chiron have to do with abandonment and self-worth. It’s important to embrace these feelings when they come up and find their root cause. This can feel like a treasure hunt in some ways. Often times our pain does not come from where we think it does. Some of it we may have carried over from a previous life. Some of it may not be ours, to begin with, we’ve just taken it on from those around us. While some of our pain may be things we hold on to out of comfort, simply because it’s a familiar feeling. This pain is the most troublesome because often we don’t who we would be without it. This is where courage comes in. We have to be courageous to let go of our pain. Just like anything we release, it frees up space and what will take its place is unknown. As we heal, we enable the energy to go somewhere else, and as scary as it may be, the unknown is better than the known in this case.

In allowing these energies to work for you and through your life, you will be able to travel to places you could never have imagined. The more you care for yourself the better. While we are all fragile and sometimes we have to break to get where we want to be in life. If you are struggling during this time period begin questioning yourself. Start to address the discomfort instead of ignoring it, there is more to life than what meets the eye and you need to remember that.

Chances are you will be much more authentic during this time and working to really begin to stand out properly. Some of the zodiac signs are going to be feeling good while the rest are going to be feeling as if they are far more out of place than they are. To learn more about this kind of thing please feel free to check out the video, sure it takes two, but sometimes we need to know when to be the better person and walk away.