This week things are going to be all over the place and chances are you’ve already picked up on that. As we move through the coming days a lot of us are going to be realizing more and more that growth is coming whether we want it to or not.
Right now before you continue on please take the time to choose a number between one and four. This will be the number that corresponds with the tarot card drawn with your intent behind it. Pick one of the four numbers that you are most drawn to without overthinking things. Once you’ve done that look below for the card corresponding with that number for your tarotscope message of the week.
Tarotscope Message #1 – The Devil
If you were most drawn to this number the card corresponding with your message is The Devil. While a lot of people seem to think this is a bad card, it is overall quite positive in nature. You should be more open this week because you are working to overcome some things within. You may be afraid of something or feeling caged but the more honest and clear you are as a whole the more progress you will end up making.
Tarotscope Message #2 – The Ten Of Pentacles
If you were most drawn to this number the corresponding card that holds your message is The Ten of Pentacles. This card is one that shows us that you should be more open and honest this week because you are at a point in your life where you don’t feel like you have much room to grow. You’re feeling like you’ve finally accomplished enough but the truth is that you still have a long way to go.
Tarotscope Message #3 – The High Priestess
If you were most drawn to this number the card you should be paying the most attention to is the corresponding card The High Priestess. This card for you means that this week you really need to be more honest with yourself and the people around you because you’re in serious need of reflection. You need to really sit with yourself and work through the things within. If you want to move forward you have to deal with what is in front of you right now in this moment.
Tarotscope Message #4 – The King Of Wands
If you were most drawn to this number your corresponding card is the wonderful King of Wands. While this card might not sound like much to most, it holds serious power behind it. You should be open right now because you have a lot to gain from doing-so. While you might not see the things to come, there are a lot of things at play in the universe that could work in your favor as a result of being truthful and clear.