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Our chakra systems are very important especially in reference to how we move forth in this world. If your chakra system is out of whack your functions, in general, will not be as they should be and you will suffer as a result.

One of the most important chakras is our crown chakra and that chakra in specific is going to be the one we focus on for this article. The crown chakra is our seventh chakra and it is a chakra driven by consciousness. This is what pushes us to be more in touch with the world around us as well as the universe itself. 

The seventh chakra is located at the top of our head radiating outward and that is where it gets its name the crown chakra. Through activating and working with this chakra we can transcend our own limits and become more aligned with our truest forms. That being said, it’s not the easiest chakra to work with and finding clarity through it is a serious task.

If you want to grow in life and come to terms with the path you’re meant to travel down, you have to ensure your seventh chakra is balanced properly so that you can step into the unknown and actually meet with the gateway of all that is to come. When our crown chakra is balanced we become quite intuitive and more-so willing to see the world as it is rather than how we might want it to be. In order to balance this chakra, you have to apply several different techniques or means of improvement to yourself. 

Below I am going to go over the best meditation technique I have found for really working to free up the energies associated with this chakra. While this might not be the only thing you end up doing to push yourself forth, it will be a big part of how your energies change. The more you relax within this meditation session the more you will find yourself.

Crown Chakra Balancing Meditation:

Sit to yourself on a cushion or merely on the floor. Make sure you are comfortable and able to breathe freely. Give yourself a few minutes to just meditate and free your own mind, let the thoughts coming in move forth and out just as quickly and prepare yourself for the session to come.

Once relaxed fully and in a place where you feel safe ask your inner self to guide you through the life before you and reach outward as if you’re ready to embrace the path to come. Encourage your mind and soul to align with the universe and using your mind’s eye envision your energies moving through your body up towards your crown. Allow this energy to flow freely and remain present at the top of your head.

Do this for at least a full ten minutes and several times a day, once you get the hang of it everything will fall into place naturally. You can add things like healing crystals or specific colors to the mix but remember to be sure they work well with the crown chakra itself. While this technique might not seem like much, inviting the balance you seek to come forth is all you truly need to do in order to really let yourself open up properly.

As your crown chakra becomes more and more balanced you will become more and more aware. You will be much happier overall and more capable of seeing the bright side of things. Life will begin to really hold a deeper meaning for you again and it will allow you to achieve a higher level of awareness as a whole. 

To learn more on this topic please feel free to check out the video below. Your crown chakra is very important and it should be taken care of. This is something that can bring the physical self and the cosmic heart together as one.