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Throughout the years Arnold Schwarzenegger has been quite the household name. Everyone knows who he is and most people associate him with big muscles above all else, right?

Well, whether you’re trying to get as buff as Arnold has been throughout the years or just trying to get in shape and keep yourself healthy Arnold wants you to know that you can do it. He and Linda Hamilton recently spoke with the YouTube Channel Joe and provided quite the motivational video. Arnold is easily one of the best people to take advice from when it comes to this kind of thing so the way he words his motivational speaking really gets you pumped to put yourself back out there.

That being said, before we dive into that video I want to touch on some of the things Arnold has shared in the past. When speaking to Men’s Fitness UK Arnold said that “training might be harder, but if your goal is always in front of you then it’s fun. You’ve got to believe in yourself, have a very clear vision and a fire in your belly and not be shy of working hard.’ This highlighting that while we all have to work hard the key to keeping yourself going is really working to love what you’re doing as well as yourself. If you know what your long-term goal is and are seeing progress, you’re much more likely to stick with the right regime.

According to Arnold, we should also do our best to remain free-spirited in the sense that we never give up and are not scared of falling. Regardless of what your reason for not going to the gym or working out on your own is, Arnold wants you to stop making excuses. He in the video mentioned above says that we need to ‘terminate’ our gym excuses. 

There are literally 24 hours in each day, and he says taking care of our bodies is easily one of the most important things we can and should do. We all need to manage our time properly and make sure that we are doing all we can to ensure we’re staying as healthy as we can. While this video might come across as a bit much to some, it holds a very important message. 

You don’t have to be a bodybuilder but you do have to put yourself first. Come up with a workout routine that fits into your schedule and stick with it. Whether you’re just jogging in the mornings and before bed or spending six hours at the gym, you’re making progress and that in itself is a beautiful thing.

Featured Image by Joe Via YouTube