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Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, as well as a tendency towards impulsive behavior and a disregard for social norms. While the majority of people with this condition never engage in violent or criminal behavior, research suggests that there are certain professions that are more likely to attract individuals with psychopathic traits. Here are the top 10 careers that experts have identified as having the most psychopaths.


Studies have found that business leaders, particularly those in high-stress, high-pressure industries such as finance, are more likely to exhibit psychopathic traits. This may be due to the competitive nature of the job, as well as the emphasis on results and profit margins. For CEOs looking to balance assertiveness with empathy, Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t” by Simon Sinek offers insights into fostering a more compassionate leadership style.


Lawyers are trained to be argumentative and persuasive, which may appeal to individuals with psychopathic tendencies. Additionally, the high-stakes nature of many legal cases can attract those who are drawn to risk-taking and excitement. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption” by Bryan Stevenson is recommended for lawyers interested in enhancing their empathy and understanding the impact of compassion in legal practice.

Media (TV/Radio)

The media industry, particularly in roles such as broadcast journalism or talk show hosting, requires individuals who are charismatic and confident. These traits may be more common in people with psychopathy, who often excel at manipulating others.


Sales is a profession that requires a certain amount of aggression and persistence. Individuals with psychopathic tendencies may be particularly skilled at closing deals and negotiating contracts, as well as navigating the social dynamics of the sales environment. The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation” by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson suggests a sales strategy focused on challenging clients to think differently, emphasizing ethical persuasion techniques.


Surgeons are often seen as confident and assertive individuals, which may be traits associated with psychopathy. Additionally, the high-pressure, high-stakes nature of surgery may attract those who are drawn to excitement and risk. Surgeons interested in deepening their patient empathy might find Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science” by Atul Gawande insightful, highlighting the ethical dilemmas in medicine.


Journalists are often required to navigate complex social and political landscapes, as well as deal with a high degree of stress and uncertainty. These factors may appeal to individuals with psychopathic traits, who may thrive in situations that require quick thinking and decisiveness.

Police officer

While not all police officers are psychopaths, research has found that a higher-than-average number of law enforcement personnel exhibit psychopathic traits. The high-stress, high-stakes nature of the job, as well as the need for assertiveness and risk-taking, may make it appealing to individuals with psychopathic tendencies.


The role of clergy requires a high degree of empathy and compassion, but there are some individuals who may be drawn to religious positions for more sinister reasons. Research has found that individuals with psychopathic traits may be attracted to roles in which they can exert power and control over others.


While not typically associated with psychopathy, the high-pressure environment of a professional kitchen may be appealing to individuals with certain traits associated with the disorder. Chefs are required to be decisive, assertive, and able to handle stress, which may be traits more common in individuals with psychopathy.

Civil servant

While not a high-profile profession, civil service roles such as government officials and administrative assistants may attract individuals with psychopathic tendencies. These roles require a high degree of organization, strategic thinking, and interpersonal skills, which may be traits more common in individuals with psychopathy.

It is important to note that while certain professions may attract individuals with psychopathic traits, the vast majority of people in these jobs do not exhibit dangerous or violent behavior. Additionally, not all individuals with psychopathy are necessarily drawn to these professions. As with any personality trait, there is a wide range of variation among individuals, and it is important to avoid stigmatizing those with mental health conditions.

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