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When it comes to our bodies, we far too often are not putting into them what we need. For those who might not be aware, potassium is something many of us lack enough of and also one of the most important minerals in the body.

Potassium helps the body regulate fluid, muscle contractions, and send nerve signals. It functions as an electrolyte and without it, we would not be able to function properly. Without the right amounts of potassium, your body will begin showing signs that there is something wrong.

That being said, because potassium plays a serious role in how your heartbeat is maintained, you shouldn’t take supplements of this if you do not need them. You see, it’s movement in and out of our cells help keep our heartbeat where it needs to be. When we have too much potassium in our bodies, our heart might become dilated and weakened. Making sure you’re getting the right amounts of the minerals and vitamins you need is important.

Below, I am going to go over some signs that you need more potassium in your life. These signs will be quite prominent and some you might have been experiencing for quite sometimes. Do not ignore them, they are all trying to tell you something. When we don’t have enough potassium in our bodies we become deficient and this is called hypokalemia. It is a very serious issue and can be quite hard to deal with.

9 Signs Your Body Needs More Potassium:

1. You feel very weak or fatigued.

One of the first signs of potassium deficiency that you will notice is feeling very weak. It will be hard to force yourself to do things. You will just want to lay in bed all day.

2. Your heart is not beating as it should be.

If your heart is not beating properly, you should always consult a doctor. This could be the result of too much or not enough potassium. If your diet is lacking in potassium, adding some might benefit you greatly. This kind of thing should never go ignored.

3. You’re experiencing muscle cramps or spasms.

If you’re experiencing muscle cramps or spasms, you need to pay attention to them. This will be sudden uncontrollable contractions of the muscles. These cramps could come at any moment, and without prior notice.

4. You’re having trouble breathing.

If you’re having breathing issues, you should without a doubt be concerned. Because potassium helps relay signs that stimulate the lungs when those are no longer getting what they need, they won’t function as they should. You may feel short of breath or worse depending on the severity.

5. You are having digestive issues.

If you are having digestive issues, there could be a number of things driving it. You see, there are muscles that need to be functioning properly for our digestion to work as it should. Without potassium, the contractions you need will not be present.

6. Your muscles feel quite stiff.

This goes hand in hand with cramps and spasms. Your muscles will feel quite stiff and unwilling to cooperate. This is a serious sign of rapid muscle breakdown.

7. Your limbs ‘fall asleep’ frequently.

You know what I mean, when you’ve been sitting for a while and your foot suddenly feels very tingly. It might remind you of the static on an old TV or something else of the sort. If this is happening a lot, there has to be a reason why.

8. You’re having issues with your blood pressure.

Blood pressure issues and low potassium go hand in hand. If you’re noticing spikes in your blood pressure, do not let it go without being checked out. Resolving this issue could be something as simple as changing your diet.

9. You are quite moody.

The moodier we are, the more that could be going on. When low in potassium, you will be going through mental fatigue and so much more. It seriously takes a toll on you.

When you are going through three or more of these signs, you seriously need to get checked out. Try adding some high in potassium foods to your diet and see where things go. While you might not be a big fan of spinach, it will do you a lot of good and benefit your body in so many ways.