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As we get closer and closer to Thanksgiving, thankfulness, and gratitude is on many of our minds. And if you are wondering about some creative, yet meaningful ways to express your gratitude to others, then you’ve come to the right place.

Even if gratitude hasn’t been on your mind, until now, what better time than the present to focus on gratitude? Experts say that gratitude is a skill that can not only be cultivated, but if cultivated can improve the quality of our lives overall. And no matter where we are at on our journey, there is always something to be thankful for. With that being said, here are 7 ways to express your gratitude today.

1. Check on a friend or family member.

Call up a friend or family member you love and are grateful for and check on them. See if they need anything or if you can do something for them. And above all let them know you love them.

2. Say something kind.

Be kind to those that bring meaning to your life. Even if it’s something as simple as “I appreciate you, ” using kind words can be a total game-changer.

3. Tell them you are thankful for them, and why.

Express your gratitude verbally, and explain why you are thankful and appreciative to have a certain someone in your life. You can say “Thank you for being a good partner and always supporting me through hard times,” to your partner, just to let them know their efforts don’t go unnoticed.

4. Make a list of everything you are grateful for.

Sit down, and make a list of 5 things you are grateful for each day. If you are unable to come up with 5, at least list a couple. Change these up daily, and don’t think too hard about it. It can be as simple as “I’m thankful for the sunshine that is out today.”

5. Do something nice for someone you are grateful for.

If you are grateful for someone, show them. Take them out to lunch, or get them a special treat that you know they love.

6. Give someone your full attention.

When speaking with people you are grateful for, give them your full attention. Don’t look at your phone, or daze off, pay attention and listen to what they have to say. This one requires the least amount of effort or money but goes a long way.

7. Pay a random visit.

If you haven’t visited a loved one or friend lately that brings value to your life and is someone you appreciate, what better time than now. Go visit the person you love and be sure to show them that you care.

8. Ask if you can do something for them.

Randomly offer to run an errand for someone you love, or come over and help them clean their home. This one is also simple and only requires your time.

9. Pick some flowers for a friend or give them a card.

Another nice way to show you love someone is to go to the store and grab them some flowers and a card. Tell them to thank you on the card and write a personal message. Keep it simple, and warm.