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We often hear the term nervous breakdown, and likely think of someone who has completely lost their mind. However, the reality of a nervous breakdown likely hits closer to home than we realize.

In life, many of us have this idea that no matter what we go through, we can power through. If we are stressed, society tells us to push harder. If we aren’t able to make ends meet, we should take on a few more jobs, wake up earlier and continue pushing. Unfortunately, when you are on the edge of burnout, and you continue to push yourself harder, it can eventually catch up to you.

A nervous breakdown happens when we carry far too much for too long, and suddenly our mind becomes crippled under the weight and in turn, we lose all control of ourselves and our lives. It’s a very scary thing that could honestly happen to anyone. And if you notice the following 8 signs, it’s likely time to seek help. These are 8 warning signs of a nervous breakdown to never ignore.

1. You aren’t seeking help for a mental health problem.

One of the leading causes of a nervous breakdown is an unchecked mental health condition. When your depression, anxiety, or other mental health condition is preventing you from leading a decent life, and you don’t seek treatment for it, it will, unfortunately, eventually catch up to you.

To help readers understand and manage stress before it leads to a breakdown, “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” by Robert M. Sapolsky offers a comprehensive look at the effects of stress on our bodies and minds and provides practical advice for managing it.

2. You are misusing substances.

At first, you may have just wanted a drink to soothe and relax you. Now, you feel like you have to drink or use just to get by. On top of the stress, you have from everyday life, your substance problem is now causing you even more heartache.

3. Your mood swings are out of control.

You find it hard to control your moods. In one moment, you might be elated, and in the next, you could crawl into a hole. You are constantly spiraling from one emotion to the next, and it’s exhausting.

For those seeking strategies to cope with overwhelming stress and prevent burnout, “Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle” by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski is an excellent resource. This book delves into the science of stress and provides effective techniques for emotional and physical recovery.

4. You feel like you are about to break.

You are always asking yourself when the other shoe is going to drop. You know you are under so much pressure, it’s like you can feel a storm cloud hovering behind you that you are always trying to outrun.

5. You are losing your motivation to do anything.

Nothing sounds good anymore. Once upon a time, you had all the motivation in the world. Now, you struggle to get out of bed and get through your day.

6. You constantly feel exhausted.

No matter how much sleep you get, you feel exhausted. It’s almost as if you could sleep the rest of your life and still be tired.

7. You are experiencing anhedonia.

Anhedonia is a very unsettling feeling and is feeling empty. When you should be excited, it’s like you are a blank canvas. When you should be upset, you just feel numb. The sensation of anhedonia is very unsettling because it makes it to where even your favorite activities no longer please you.

8. The slightest things set you off.

Because you are under so much pressure, even the most minuscule thing can set you off into a tailspin. You often get accused of overreacting, and no matter how much you try to control it, you feel like you are at a loss.

In addressing mental health and seeking help, “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed” by Lori Gottlieb provides insight into the world of therapy and the benefits of seeking professional help for mental health issues.

If you or someone else you know is experiencing the above symptoms, please reach out for help. You can contact the crisis hotline here. 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)