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While it might not seem like it, boys need emotional support just like girls do. They’re not ‘different’ just because they’re not the same sex. 

Sure, some girls are going to be more emotional than some boys, but this also goes the same reversed. As our kids grow up, we have to take care of them in all possible ways, that including their emotional state/health. Encouraging our kids to be more emotionally intelligent is a big thing, and it does a lot of good in this world. 

While boys most of the time are told to be strong and not ‘act like a girl’ but things aren’t that simple. We all have emotions, and even boys should be able to express that. Below, I am going to go over some things you can do as a parent to help your sons become more emotionally intelligent for their own good and the good of others.

8 Parenting Tips For Promoting Emotional Intelligence:

1. Teach your kids about the importance of understanding their emotions and embracing them properly.

From a young age let your kids know that it’s important to understand the things they’re feeling. Make sure they know that they can talk about their emotions if they want to and that there is nothing wrong with doing so. Show them what each emotion is and help them really work to understand.

2. Listen to your kids when they need you to.

If they come to you needing someone to talk to, be there to hear them out. Don’t tell them you’re too busy or shut them out. They need to be able to come to you when they need you and if you don’t let them speak up when they feel like they should, they will stop trying to communicate their feelings to you.

3. Talk to your kids about your emotions, within reason.

Don’t lash out and show them your worst sides, but do show your kids your emotions within reason. For instance, when something they do makes you very sad or hurts, you let them know. They need to be aware that the things they do affect others. This is also true for positive emotions.

4. Spend one on one time with your kids.

If you have more than one kid, getting one on one time is a bit complicated sometimes, but it’s still important. Spending one on one time with your kids makes them feel like they’re getting your undivided attention. These will be the moments when they share the most with you.

5. Keep in mind, not all kids express themselves in the same ways.

Not all kids are going to express themselves in the same ways. You need to learn to pick up on your kid specifically. Sure, things might be hard to spot at first and the emotions he’s facing might be complex, but you can do it if you work at it.

6. Don’t dismiss your kid’s emotions.

Your kids are going to sometimes feel things that you don’t think are justifiable, but that doesn’t mean you should dismiss them. They are still feeling what they are feeling, and you cannot change that, even if you think it’s an overreaction. Let them be, help them through it.

7. Teach them that other people go through struggles as well.

Teach your kids that they’re not the only ones with emotions. The people around them also hurt, as they do sometimes. Make sure they know that the things they do can affect the people in their lives.

8. Allow your kids to express themselves within reason.

Let your kids express themselves. Don’t close them off and force them to be someone you want them to be. They deserve to be themselves above all else.