Manipulation is a covert tactic employed by some individuals to control or influence the actions, emotions, and beliefs of others. While manipulation can sometimes be hard to spot, recognizing common phrases manipulators use can help you defend yourself against these tactics.

Shaming and blaming vector concept, hands pointing finger on young couple feeling uncomfortable and scared, discrimination problem of cruel and intolerant behavior in social groups.
Here are seven things people often say when they’re trying to manipulate you:
“If you really cared about me, you would…”
A classic manipulation technique is to tie your actions or decisions directly to your feelings for someone. By suggesting that refusing a request or taking a certain action indicates a lack of care or love, the manipulator tries to guilt you into compliance. They shift the focus from the appropriateness of their request to your feelings for them, putting you on the defensive. To navigate such manipulative tactics and enhance your interpersonal relationships, “Navigating Emotional Manipulation: A Guide to Recognizing and Responding to Manipulative Behavior“ can be an excellent resource.
“Everyone thinks that…”
Generalizing opinions and hiding behind the vague “everyone” is another tactic. When someone says, “Everyone thinks you’re overreacting” or “Everyone says you should do this,” they’re attempting to use peer pressure and the fear of isolation to force your hand. More often than not, they haven’t consulted “everyone”; it’s merely a tactic to make their opinion seem more widespread and therefore more valid. For a deeper dive into understanding the psychology behind such generalizations, consider reading “The Art of Influence: Breaking Through Social Perceptions“.
“I’m just being honest.”
Disguising hurtful comments or unnecessary critiques as honesty is a manipulation technique that seeks to destabilize your confidence or perception. The implication is that anyone who disagrees is simply refusing to face ‘reality’. In truth, honesty doesn’t require cruelty or tactlessness. If someone frequently justifies their words with this phrase, they might be trying to manipulate your self-perception.
“After all I’ve done for you…”
This is a clear tactic to induce guilt. Manipulators often remind you of past favors or acts of kindness, implying you owe them for their good deeds. While gratitude is essential, it shouldn’t be used as a bargaining chip. You are not obligated to comply with someone’s wishes simply because they’ve helped you in the past. This is a clear tactic to induce guilt. If you’re looking to unpack the complexities of gratitude and obligation, “Balancing the Scales: Gratitude without Guilt“ offers valuable insights.
“I hate to bother you, but…”
Prefacing a request or statement in this way is an attempt to make you feel obligated to help or comply. By suggesting that they’re reluctant to ask or that they recognize the imposition, the manipulator is hoping to make you more receptive. This way, you might feel rude or unkind if you decline.
“You’re too sensitive!” or “You’re overreacting.”
Minimizing your feelings and emotions is a way to make you doubt your reactions. If someone can make you believe that you’re always overreacting or that you’re too emotional, it becomes easier to dismiss your concerns or objections in the future. It’s a way to devalue your feelings and make their perspective appear more valid. To help build resilience against such comments, “Emotional Fortitude: Trusting Your Own Feelings in the Face of Doubt“ can be a beneficial read.
“I’m the only one who truly understands you.”
By insinuating that no one else ‘gets’ you like they do, a manipulator is trying to isolate you and make you more dependent on their perspective. This can be particularly potent in close relationships. It’s an attempt to make you feel special and understood, but with the underlying message that other opinions or concerns from friends and family should be devalued.
Manipulation is, unfortunately, a part of human interaction. Recognizing these phrases is just the first step in protecting yourself. Remember to trust your feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, or if someone’s words make you feel small, pressured, or in doubt, take a step back. Consult with trusted friends or family and remember that it’s okay to set boundaries. Your emotions, perceptions, and feelings are valid, and you have the right to make decisions based on what’s best for you, not what’s most convenient for someone else.