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The beautiful lovers and healers of the world – Empaths are capable of a love and understanding that exceeds anything most of us can even imagine. While a relationship with one of these beautiful individuals is sure to be a beautiful romance, there are a few important truths that you need to learn first!

Empaths are unique individuals, capable of connecting with people on a deeper and highly meaningful level. They not only recognize the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of those that they encounter in life, but they truly feel like them. As Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist and author of ‘The Empath’s Survival Guide’ explains, “They have gifts of intuition, of depth, of really caring for others and having deep compassion. They often give too much. They sometimes take on their loved ones’ pain in their bodies, so they actually feel it.”

While this type of compassionate and loving individual is capable of an incredibly deep and powerful connection, there are also a few ‘quirks’ to their lives. They view and respond to the world around them in a different way, one that can be hard to truly understand.

Here are 7 important truths that you should know if you are in love with an empath:

#1 – They can sense a liar a mile away, so don’t try to deceive them.

Due to the fact that an empath can sense your true feelings and intentions, you’re never going to fool them by telling a lie. In fact, they know that you are trying to pull the wool over their eyes before you even open your mouth to speak. This is incredibly important, because they highly value honesty, expecting nothing but the truth from those that they allow into their lives. If they think you are going to be dishonest, then they will cut you out of their life before you can even consider explaining yourself.

#2 – When feeling overwhelmed, they require their alone time to recharge.

The connection that causes an empath to sense and experience the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of everyone around them isn’t something that they can easily turn off. While it is a great gift, allowing them to bring peace and healing to others, it’s also incredibly exhausting. If they are going to avoid physical, mental and emotional burnout, they need to find a way to rest and recharge in life. The only way that an empath can truly accomplish this is to spend some time alone, stepping away from the world for a short moment. While this may be hard to understand, there are times that this alone time is going to mean stepping away from you as well. Don’t take it personally, and don’t mistake this for a flaw in your relationship. Once they have recharged their batteries, they will be back happier and healthier than ever.

#3 – There is nothing that they want more when you are struggling than to make you feel better.

You don’t have to tell your empath partner that you’re having a rough time right now, because they are already more than aware. They can sense when something is off in your life, instantly sensing your pain whether you have actually spoken of it or not. They want to bring you healing and happiness again and will go to great lengths, even making personal sacrifices without a second thought.

#4 – They truly mean what they say, however crazy it may come across.

Empaths see the world through a different lens than the rest of us. On one hand, they walk around with rose-colored glasses, eager to bring peace, love, and healing to everyone that they meet. On the other hand, they experience the pains and struggles of the world around them first hand, opening their hearts and their minds to the darker side of the human condition. This constant contradiction playing out in their minds may lead to some incredibly unique thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Try not to laugh. They truly do mean everything that they say and introduce these crazy and creative ideas into the conversations because they believe that they can work. Step out of your comfort zone and consider them for just a moment.

#5 – One of their greatest fears in their relationships is that they will be completely misunderstood.

Throughout their childhood, most empaths found that they were met with criticism and judgment but those that they encountered. They were often accused of being ‘too sensitive’, bullied by their peers and pressured by their parents to ‘grow up’. As they move into their adult lives, they carry the pain of this judgment, afraid that they will face the same situation in their adult relationships. You can ease this fear by accepting their emotions, showing affection and asking genuine questions when you are trying to understand their response in any given situation.

#6 – Social situations can be completely overwhelming.

If you’re making plans with friends and family to take part in a major party or event, it can be frustrating to find that your partner isn’t nearly as excited as you had hoped that they would be. However, as we previously mentioned, it’s important to remember that they can’t turn off the connection that they have formed with others. When they are in a larger social setting, they start to sense these thoughts, feelings, and emotions from everyone in the room all at once. If they seem hesitant to join you at that next big party, there is one incredible gift you can give them. In most cases they genuinely do want to show up for a period of time, spending time with friends and family, but give them an ‘easy out’. Promise that the moment they find themselves overwhelmed that they can leave without pressure or judgment.

#7 – They have likely been hurt and taken advantage of in the past.

Their desire to care for others at all costs makes empaths the perfect target for toxic personalities such as narcissists and sociopaths. They will give and give, receiving nothing in return despite the pain and heartache that it causes them, determined that they can fix whatever made them feel act out in this way. Rather than seeing a toxic influence on their life, they see a damaged person that needs their love and attention. Unfortunately, the narcissists and sociopaths aren’t looking to be fixed. They will continue to take advantage of their victim time and time again until the relationship blows up leaving them broken hearted.

Image via Your Healthy Tribe

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