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Being a parent is an overwhelming job at the time, which can make it difficult to hold back your feelings, especially in the heat of the moment. However, the last thing you want to do is react from a place of anger, when you are dealing with children.

Now, don’t get me wrong, we are all human, and we all make mistakes. None of us set out to be angry at our kids or yell at them or anything like that, but it does happen. With that said, if you’ve noticed you feel a bit edgy and are wondering what to do, there are some simple tips to keep in mind. We all have our flaws, but recognizing yours is the first step to becoming a better parent.

Here are 6 tips for dealing with anger as a parent.

1. Recognize your triggers.

To understand what is causing you to lose your cool, you will need to understand your triggers. Think of situations in which you have lost your cool, are there any trends? You might find out that your child’s yelling triggers you to react. Pay attention to those triggers, because they will allow you to realize where you need to work on yourself.

2. Be mindful of your thoughts.

Pay attention to negative thoughts. Oftentimes, our emotions are tied to our thoughts, so it’s important to be mindful of your train of thought, especially when you are angry.

3. Learn to manage your anger.

Find ways to manage your anger that work for you. Some examples are taking a walk, breathing exercises, reframing negative thoughts, and recognizing your triggers.

4. Reflect on times you lost your cool.

Think back to times when you’ve lost control. Sit down and write a few of them down, and then go back with a highlighter and highlight the moment you lost control. Through doing this, you can spot triggers and reflect on the better way the situation could have been handled.

5. Understand the signs of anger (physical.)

Anger often begins in the body. You may notice your heart speeds up, your breathing intensifies and your shoulders stiffen. Recognize all of these as signs of anger. As soon as you begin tying these responses to anger, you can catch your anger before it gets out of control.

6. Don’t be afraid to walk away if need be.

If you simply cannot stop yourself, walk away. Go sit down by yourself and breathe. It’s okay to take a step back and revisit the situation after you have calmed down.