Gaslighting, a term derived from the 1944 film “Gaslight,” is a form of emotional abuse where an individual tries to make another person question their perception of reality. This insidious tactic is a hallmark of psychological manipulation and can be incredibly damaging to the victim’s mental health and self-esteem. Here, we’ll delve into some common gaslighting techniques manipulators use and provide examples of each.
- Trivializing Your Feelings
- Technique: The manipulator minimizes your feelings or problems, suggesting that you’re being too sensitive or that your concerns are unfounded.
- Example: If you express distress about something they’ve done, they might respond with, “You’re always overreacting” or “You’re too emotional.”
- Check out this book on emotional intelligence to better understand and handle your emotions.
- Denying Reality
- Technique: The gaslighter outright denies they said or did something, even if you have evidence.
- Example: They might borrow and lose something of yours, but when confronted, they’d say, “I never borrowed that from you.”
- This journal designed to track daily events can help you maintain a clear record of happenings and conversations.
- Shifting Blame
- Technique: Instead of taking responsibility, the manipulator will redirect the blame onto you.
- Example: In an argument where they’re clearly at fault, they might retort with, “This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t… “
- Explore this self-help guide that delves into assertiveness and setting boundaries.
- Withholding Information
- Technique: By keeping essential details from you, the gaslighter ensures you’re always uncertain and off-balance.
- Example: They might purposely not inform you about plans, and when you’re left out, they’ll say, “I told you about it. You must’ve forgotten.”
- For strategies on effective communication, consider 12 Day Communication Challenge.
- Countering
- Technique: The manipulator will remember events differently from how they happened to make you doubt your memory.
- Example: After a pleasant outing, they might say, “Remember when you ruined the evening by bringing up that old topic?” even if you didn’t.
- Projecting
- Technique: The gaslighter accuses you of the very behavior they are exhibiting.
- Example: If they are being unfaithful, they might constantly accuse you of infidelity.
Gaslighting is more than mere disagreements or misunderstandings—it’s a sustained form of manipulation meant to degrade your trust in your own experiences. Recognizing these techniques is the first step in resisting and combatting this form of emotional abuse.
If you believe you are being gaslighted, it’s essential to seek support from trusted individuals or professionals who can offer guidance and clarity.