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The defensive ego is not something positive in any sense of the word and when damaged it becomes even more of a problem than most are willing to admit. Sure, letting go of your ego is important but before making that step it has to be repaired on some level.

The defensive ego in itself is an ego that doesn’t work in the ways a ‘normal’ one would. It is much more manipulative and far less willing to own up to anything. Those who struggle with these kinds of egos often find that damaging them is quite easy and with that usually ends up much more defensive in this manner than they should be. 

Through trying to protect themselves and prevent their inner being from getting hurt they hurt themselves time and time again. With this kind of ego when seriously damaged there is a lack of real raw emotion, and we begin to lose tough of ourselves drastically. Below I am going to go over some ways in which you can repair this kind of ego. Once you’ve repaired it, you can work to properly let it go.

5 Ways To ‘Repair’ A Defensive Ego And Overcome Its Wrath:

1. Stop dwelling on things you cannot change.

Stop letting the world around you push you so drastically. If you cannot change it you should not be obsessing over it. Sure, the past will always be a part of who we are but it does not define us or make us any ‘less.’ Life does not work in this manner and you need to come to terms with that.

2. Allow yourself time to really relax and process.

When we are letting our damaged ego run wild we’re most likely not taking the time that we need to really settle down and process the things we’re going through. Things are not always what they seem and if we don’t process them in positive manners we won’t realize that before it is too late. Life in many ways passes those by who allow their damaged egos to run wild.

3. Learn from your experiences.

Stop moving through life refusing to accept your wrongdoings. We all go through things and we all make mistakes. Life is far too short to dwell. Learn your lesson and move forward.

4. Admit that it hurts sometimes.

There is nothing wrong with being willing to admit that sometimes the things we go through hurt. Everyone hurts sometimes and that’s a reality we all need to face. Life is not all roses and butterflies.

5. Find productive ways to ‘feel good’ about yourself.

Do what you can to make yourself feel better. There are tons of different things you can try to build yourself up but the higher you become the taller your ego will grow. A steady foot is great but too much growth towards the top will cause you to topple.

Once you’ve done these things and got yourself and your mind in a new place you can work to overcome your ego as a whole. You should become as mindful as possible and try to move through life without letting your ego do any of the talking. While at first, this might be hard to more you work at it the easier it will become.