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Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, many people with concealed depression suffer in silence, battling their demons alone and avoiding burdening their loved ones. As human beings, we all experience wounds in life, but most of us tend to bottle things up and attempt to heal ourselves without realizing the extent of our wounds.

Concealed depression is not always easy to spot, and if you’re struggling, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. Fortunately, recognizing the habits and behaviors associated with concealed depression can be the first step in seeking support.

  1. The Talented and Expressive

Many famous people who have suffered from mental illnesses have used their struggles to channel deeper emotions into their works. This is often the case with people who have concealed depression. Their struggles are reflected in their creativity and talent, and they are able to bring something beautiful out of the darkness that consumes them.

  1. The Search for Purpose

Everyone needs a purpose in life, and people with concealed depression are no exception. However, they are often more susceptible to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, leaving them searching for something they may never achieve in their own minds.

  1. The Muted Cries for Help

Sometimes, people with concealed depression may make cries for help that go unnoticed or dismissed by those around them. It’s important to pay attention to these cries and offer support and understanding when possible.

  1. The Interpretation of Substances

People with depression often interpret substances differently than others. They may know what substances will help them cope with their emotional pain, but it often takes a lot of effort to feel better, unlike most people.

  1. The Perception of Life and Death

People with depression often contemplate their own mortality during moments of despair and seek answers to life’s deepest questions. While not all people with depression experience suicidal thoughts, some do.

  1. They Have Unusual Eating Habits

Depression can have a profound effect on a person’s appetite. Some people with concealed depression may not be able to eat anything when they’re at their lowest points, while others may overeat to numb their emotional pain. The nature of the eating habits varies from person to person.

  1. They Have Abnormal Sleeping Habits

Depression can drastically affect a person’s sleep cycle. Someone with depression may feel exhausted all the time and sleep for what seems like days, while others may experience insomnia and be unable to sleep at all. Depression can also make it difficult to wake up in the morning, leading to a sense of lethargy and hopelessness.

  1. They Often Struggle With Abandonment Issues

People with depression may have deep-rooted abandonment issues, making it challenging for them to build and maintain relationships. Losing someone they care about can be incredibly devastating, and they may become more secretive about their feelings as a result. This can create a fear of being left alone and abandoned by those they love.

  1. They Are Masters at Covering Up Their Pain

People with concealed depression are often skilled at concealing their pain from the world. They can come up with believable excuses for their absences, like missing appointments or not returning calls for days. They can easily change the subject when their pain is brought up, making it challenging for others to notice their suffering.

  1. They Often Have Habitual Remedies

People with depression may try to alleviate their symptoms by making changes in their lifestyle, such as exercising, listening to music, or going for long walks. They often develop a set of routines that help them cope with their emotional pain.

  1. They Make an Effort to Appear Happy

People with depression often learn to hide their true emotions and put on a facade of happiness. They don’t want to burden others with their problems, so they try to maintain a positive outlook to avoid coming across as negative or needy.

  1. They Seek Love and Acceptance

People with depression crave love and acceptance just like everyone else. However, they often struggle to ask for help or express their needs due to fear of being judged or rejected. They may withdraw from social situations and keep their emotions bottled up inside, which can make them feel isolated and alone.

  1. They Have Difficulty Switching Off Their Brains

People with concealed depression tend to overthink and analyze every aspect of their lives. They can become overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions, making it difficult to find peace of mind. They tend to absorb everything around them, often leading to mental exhaustion.

  1. They Feel the Pain of Others Deeply

People with depression tend to have a heightened sense of empathy, making them highly attuned to the emotions of those around them. They may feel the pain of others as if it were their own, which can be incredibly overwhelming and exacerbate their own depressive symptoms.

  1. They Are Prone to Catastrophizing

People with depression often tend to see the worst-case scenario in every situation. This tendency can be stressful, but it can also be beneficial at times, as it allows them to respond to challenges more effectively. Their high intelligence often makes them excellent problem solvers.

Depression is a severe mental illness that can go unnoticed for years. People with concealed depression are struggling with their demons, often without support or recognition from those around them. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of concealed depression and offer help and support to those in need. With the right help and support, it’s possible to overcome depression and lead a fulfilling life.