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You might think he’s falling for you, but is he? Chances are, you just don’t know.

While he will make it clear he is catching feelings for you, they might not be as clear to you. Guys don’t usually show their emotions in the same ways we would want them to, and so it can be a bit confusing. If you are wondering whether he is interested in you romantically, you should look for the following signs. These signs will be quite present if he is truly interested.

10 Signs He’s Catching Feelings For You:

1. He makes time for you.

If he is catching feelings for you, he is going to make time for you. He will spend time with you as much as he can. While it might seem like his schedule is packed, he will still figure things out.

2. He notices the small things about you.

If he is catching feelings for you, he is going to pay attention to the small things. He will notice all the things other people don’t. Even things you don’t think matter, he will pick up on.

3. He shows you his vulnerable side.

If he is catching feelings for you, he will show you his vulnerable side. He will open up to you in ways other people wouldn’t. He does this because he wants you to see his true self. Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown explores the power of vulnerability and could help you understand his behavior better.

4. He has introduced you to his friends and family.

If he is catching feelings for you, he will usually be more than willing to introduce you to the people who matter to him. He will want you to meet his friends and family. The people who are closest to him will know who you are.

5. He always follows through.

If he is catching feelings for you, he is going to follow through with the things he says he will do. If he promises you something, it will happen. He goes out of his way to make sure he doesn’t get your hopes up for nothing.

6. He cares about your opinion.

If he is catching feelings, it will be quite obvious that he cares about your opinion. He will ask you what you think about a lot of things and make sure to listen properly. He values what you have to say. Consider getting this relationship communication book to enhance your discussions.

7. He responds quickly.

If he is catching feelings, he will respond to you quickly. If you are texting, you won’t have to wait a million years for a reply. While this might not seem like much, it is a big deal.

8. You can feel a connection.

If he is catching feelings for you, you will feel a connection. You will be able to pick up on it big time. While you might not realize it at first, the stronger it grows, the quicker you will notice.

9. You can talk to him about anything.

If he is catching feelings for you, you will be able to talk to him about any and everything. When something is bothering you, you can come to him about it. Nothing is off limits. A couple’s journal can be a great tool to facilitate deep conversations.

10. He cares about your emotions.

If he is catching feelings for you, you will notice how attentive he is to your emotions. If you’re upset, he will comfort you. He takes your emotions into consideration often.

If you want over 200+ ideas, phrases, and text messages to drive your man wild with desire for you, make sure to check out my new program, Language of Desire. I give you step-by-step instructions and tons of exact words to use to get exactly what you both want in and out of the bedroom.

P.S. The reason so many men “pull away” from women is because
women don’t understand this naughty secret about men. . .

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