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We all have a perfect match out there in this world and while it’s not always easy to find that perfect match, someday you will. Whether you’re dating someone you know is your soulmate or you’re merely testing the waters paying attention to how they treat you is important. 

Someone who is meant to spend this lifetime by your side is going to love you the right ways and be there for you at your worst moments. Nothing is going to feel forced and all of the pieces are going to fall into place even during the worst points in your relationship. While we will all have ups and downs, your perfect match is not going to make you feel like things are crumbling around you.

Below I am going to go over some of the different ways that your perfect match might be working to show you his or her feelings for you. While not all of these will be things you’ve noticed off the bat they will all be present in your relationship. Think about who you’re with and what kind of life the two of you have together, is that what you want?

12 Ways Your Perfect Match Will Love You:

1. They will be willing to fight for you.

While they might not ever be in the position to, they will fight for you. They will do their best to ensure you know that they care, and they will make sure you’re comfortable. If they think you’re slipping away they will make sure that they try hard to keep you where you’re supposed to be.

2. They give you personal space.

They might not like being away from you but they know you need your own personal space. They don’t try to force you into spending all of your time with them or make you feel bad for wanting to do things on your own. They respect you and your limits.

3. They won’t leave when times get tough.

When rough times hit they stick around. They aren’t going to dip out just because things aren’t going as planned. They are here through the storm.

4. They know when to apologize.

When they upset you or do something wrong they apologize. This is because they feel bad for making you feel bad. They care about you and want you to know the remorse they are feeling.

5. They don’t hold you to unrealistic expectations.

Expectations are fine on some level, but they have to be realistic. They hold you to a high standard but know that you are still human. We as human beings are imperfectly perfect and always making mistakes.

6. They make you happy and enjoy doing it.

When someone really loves you they will do their best to make sure you’re happy. They like seeing you light up and smile. Your happiness makes them happy.

7. They aren’t afraid to stand up to you.

When you’re being a jerk or doing something you shouldn’t be doing they will call you out. They are not afraid to stand up to you in a real way because they know you are strong enough to handle it. We all have to be called out sometimes and it helps us grow.

8. They don’t make you wonder if you’re loved or not.

With them, you feel loved and you know that there is something between the two of you. You do not have to question it, the emotions have always been present and not lacking. Everything is quite intense and you’re not feeling any sense of lacking.

9. They aren’t afraid to hear you out.

When you need to say something they sit back and listen. They aren’t scared of the words you’re going to speak because they know you only give them the truth. While the truth hurts from time to time, it is important to obtain.

10. You feel safe with him/her.

This person makes you feel safe. You should always feel safe with the people closest to you in life. They go out of their way to make sure you are as secure as possible.

11. They accept you for who you are.

You do not feel judged when this person is around he or she makes sure you know you are perfect as you are. They accept you with open arms and don’t try to change you. They see the real you and love every bit of it.

12. They love you without placing conditions on it.

They love you without having to push you to be someone you’re not or get somewhere you don’t want to be. They want you as you are with all of the things that make you who you are. They’re not going to leave when problems come forth, and they’re not trying to use you for their own personal gain.