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While relationships are all about giving and taking equally, sometimes we find ourselves with people who refuse to find that balance. If you’re with someone who is willing to put forth their best efforts, making things last is a lot easier than you might expect it to be.

If you’re with someone that you want to be with forever and things are going well, there are a few things you can do to ensure that a long-term relationship is in the cards for you. Below I am going to go over those things and what makes each one so important moving forward. While not all of them will be easy, they are all crucial for working to build a lasting connection. 

These things should be done whether you’ve been with one another for a few months, years, or even just a couple of weeks. Each connection we find in this world can be nurtured properly if we’re willing to make things work. When you’re on the same page as your lover an both of you are keeping up with the things below, everything will work out just fine.

12 Things You Need To Do To Make Your Relationship Actually Last:

1. Accept each other as you are, don’t push for change.

When you love someone you love them for who they are. You don’t force them to change or make them into someone they aren’t. Acceptance is one of the most important things for a couple to have for one another mutually moving forth.

2. Keep doing the small things.

While it might be easy to forget to do small things here and there, try to remember. The more you do these things the more connected you will become with your partner. These small things are what help keep the sparks going.

3. When you’re unsure of something, ask.

When you are curious or suspicious about something ask your partner to explain it. This keeps the two of you on the same page an allows you to let go of any worries you may have. If you want to know something ask, stop beating around the bush.

4. Be willing to forgive one another.

We are only human and we all make mistakes. No one in this world is perfect. We all have to be willing to forgive sometimes.

5. Take time for yourself when it’s needed.

When you need time alone make sure your partner is aware of it and then take it. We all have moments where we need our space. This is a great way to keep the two of you from getting tired of one another.

6. Never stop being intimate with each other.

Be physical with one another as often as you see fit. Don’t stop kissing or enjoying each other’s presence. While sometimes there are limits to this, be aware of one another.

7. Don’t be afraid to open up.

When it comes to being with someone for a long time everyone in the relationship has to open up. Being vulnerable with one another is a great way to grow together. You can through relating to one another really become closer than you ever were before.

8. Spend quality time together.

Spend time together having fun. Not everything you do with each other has to be so boring or stuck in the status quo. Enjoy the lover that you have.

9. Never lie to each other, period.

Be honest with one another right off the bat. Don’t keep things from each other and don’t refuse to speak the truth. As a couple, both of you need to focus on honesty, big time.

10. Know the boundaries that have been set and respect them.

When boundaries are set, respect them. Through respecting your partner’s boundaries you are also respecting your partner. Respect is crucial when it comes to real lasting relationships.

11. Actually listen to one another even when it’s hard.

Even when times are rough and problems are quite present in your relationship be willing to listen to each other. Don’t close your partner off and make him or her wonder what is wrong. Open up and talk, it will do more good than you could ever imagine.

12. Stop being so glued to your cell phones and other technological devices. 

Set specific times when you’re together where no one uses their technological devices. Turn the phones off and just enjoy one another’s presence. This is a lot easier than you might think it is.