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Unlike physical neglect, emotional neglect can be much harder to see and recognize. And much like emotional abuse, because there are no physical signs, it oftentimes goes unnoticed.

Because of that, many people don’t realize until much later in their life, or until someone points it out to them that it’s even taking place. However, if you deal with an emotionally neglectful family, it’s likely that deep down you have a feeling about it. You have likely long had a feeling that something wasn’t right and at the very least- I’m sure you have noticed that your family dynamic is, at the very least, difficult. With that being said, here are 10 signs of emotional neglect in the family.

1. You are made to feel guilty and ashamed regularly.

No matter what you do, it is perceived as wrong. Regularly, you are told you should be ashamed or guilty of who you are, even though you’ve done nothing morally wrong.

2. Your family doesn’t acknowledge emotions.

When you feel sad, or upset, your feelings are unacknowledged. You are told to get over it, or that you are too sensitive, and then, your feelings are completely ignored.

3. You rarely get positive feedback or praise from your family.

When you accomplish something important, your family members don’t have anything nice to say. On the contrary, they will find the one thing you could have done better and point it out.

4. There’s a lack of affection.

Your family dynamic is not an affectionate one. Family members don’t traditionally show love, or really at all.

5. Your family offers little encouragement when you fail.

When you fail, no one is there to encourage you to keep going. Instead, family members thrive off your failures and make you feel like you should give up.

6. The dynamic is verbally aggressive.

When parents discipline you, they do so in a verbally aggressive or abusive manner. Other family members are verbally aggressive and abusive as well, and if you say anything about it- you are the problem.

7. Substance abuse is present.

One or more family members abuse dr*gs. Their use of dr*gs has taken a toll on the family dynamic, leaving you and other family members completely overlooked and abandoned.

8. Problems are ignored, dismissed, or overlooked.

When you bring a problem to a family member, they completely overlook or dismiss you. Family problems or problems, in general, are swept under the rug.

9. Family events leave you empty and disappointed.

When you visit family, you hope that you will have a good time and enjoy yourself. Instead, you end up leaving in worse conditions than you were before.

10. You feel lonely and isolated, even with family.

When you spend time with your family, you feel more alone than when you are alone. And when you try to connect, it only ends up making the situation worse. There is no winning.