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As parents, we want the best for our children. And while the world has a lot of opinions on what the best parenting techniques are, there are some that shine above the rest.

Part of being great at anything lies within our daily habits. This can go either way, with better habits getting us better results, and with poorer habits causing a decline in our progress. The same could be said for how we parent. If you want to raise well-adjusted children, the best course of action is to enforce the best possible habits. Of course, there are no guarantees, but why not increase your odds tenfold?

With that being said, if you were interested in the habits for raising a well-adjusted kid, here are 10 of them.

1. Give them chores.

A lot of parents hesitate to give their kids chores because they resented them as a child. However, while I am not asserting that you enforce slave labor, chores can be extremely beneficial. Why? Because they teach your child responsibility and how to take care of business in the long run. When they get older, they will thank you for it.

2. Be flexible.

Rules are great and all, but when you get so strict that there is no bend or flexibility, your child is missing out on a valuable opportunity. A growth mindset or flexible mindset allows for a little wiggle room, and in life, there is no black and white. As your family grows and changes, it’s okay if the rules do too.

3. Communicate with them.

Communication is one of the most important aspects of our life. Without proper communication between parent and child, which is one of the most important bonds in their life, it’s very likely your child isn’t going to learn how to communicate. And communication is necessary for our jobs, our relationships, and everything in between.

4. Read to your children.

Much like talking to your children more often, reading to them more often is also beneficial. Not only does it expand their vocabulary, but it also broadens their mind and their imagination. And the more you read to them, the more able they are to learn about the world.

5. Give them an early bedtime.

It might sound a bit strict, but hear me out. Providing your child with an early bedtime not only gives them better sleep patterns and habits but also helps their mental health and well-being. Additionally, early bedtime teaches them discipline and routine.

6. Allow your child to endure challenges.

You might be quick to jump in and solve all of your child’s problems, but it’s better to hold back on that. The reason for this is, that if you solve all of their problems, you are making them dependent on you. Eventually, there will come a time in which they need to solve a problem on their own, well actually there will be millions of times. Don’t handicap your child by stepping in and doing everything for them.

7. Teach them to build relationships.

There are so many aspects of life that are important for our child’s development. From their health to their education and to their hygiene. But social skills are also very necessary. Teach your child how to build meaningful relationships, by modeling yourself. If you are not good at this, then it’s something to work on, so you can model this for them.

8. Expect effort, not perfection.

While authoritarian parents often expect perfection from their kids, to do so will only set them up for failure. Why? Because perfection is not achievable. With that said, it’s okay to have high expectations. But, be sure to reward their efforts to aim high, too!

9. Maintain a routine.

Maintaining a consistent routine is so beneficial. Not only does it alleviate additional stress caused by poor sleep, and disorganization, but it also helps build consistency in their lives.

10. Tend to yourself.

And while it’s easy to get caught up in being a parent, so much that you lose sight of yourself, be careful not to. You have to model good habits by living them. This means taking care of yourself and minimizing your own stress too.