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Many people struggle with their mental health as a whole but not many realize how easy it can be to set off. There are tons of different causes when it comes to things like this and many possibilities that usually go overlooked.

If you’re someone who usually does not deal with mental illness or does not have any kind of diagnosis mood disorder but are seemingly without reason beginning to face symptoms associated with specific ones, you might need to look into your nutrition or lack of as a potential cause. Things like anxiety, depression, MPD, and other illnesses can be caused by different kinds of deficiencies. Our diets are much more important than most of us realize. The things we ingest can and will affect our brains if you’re not getting what your mind and body needs then you could end up feeling awful as the result. 

10 Deficiencies That Can Cause Mental Health Issues:

1. Iron

A lot of women tend to be deficient in this and when pregnant things are much more likely. Being deficient in iron can cause brain fog and leave a person feeling quite out of it. If you’ve ever faced this kind of thing or are actually anemic yourself you know exactly what I mean.

2. Protein

Our bodies need protein because without it we do not get the amino acids that are so crucial for our health overall. Amino acids are something that keeps our brains going properly. The less protein you take in the worse you’re going to feel regarding concentration and so forth. That being said, protein-rich foods don’t have to be animals you can get protein in things like nuts as well as seeds.

3. Iodine

Iodine is something our bodies tend to need in regard to the functioning of our thyroid gland. When we lack iodine our thyroid is thrown out of whack and that can affect your energy levels, body temperature, and brain performance. The longer it goes untreated the worse the symptoms will become.

4. Folate 

Depression symptoms are easily the most common things to stem from folate deficiencies. If you don’t eat many whole grains or opt to leave Brussels sprouts off your plate you might end up deficient in this area yourself. Many people do not realize how important this one really is.

5. Magnesium

When a person becomes deficient in magnesium they usually end up struggling to properly function overall. When we have magnesium present within our bodies it is easier to deal with stress and other things of the sort. Without it we become quite anxious and sometimes also fall victim to depression and other mood issues.

6. Vitamin B12

Vitamins like B12 or even B6 are very important for our health overall. They can reduce our risks of stroke and according to some studies even impact our minds. Because this vitamin and other B vitamins play a role in the production of things within our brains that affect our moods, there is no denying the link between this deficiency and depression itself.

7. Selenium

Selenium is important for a few things within our bodies and while most people do not end up with this kind of deficiency those who do can end up feeling quite off within their own minds. It can cause poor mental function and leave a person struggling big time.

8. Vitamin D

A lot of people are deficient in this without realizing it. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked with depression, dementia, and even autism throughout the years meaning it is very important for our mind and it’s health overall. Effective detection and treatment of inadequate vitamin D levels in those with depression can bring forth very positive results.

9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You can be deficient in this kind of thing all the whole eating plenty of fish or even taking supplements. Everyone’s bodies process things in their own ways and if you’re not getting the right amounts of Omega-3s you could end up in a pretty bad mood. Because these within our bodies reduce inflammation without them we are at risk for a lot of things. Studies in the past have actually suggested that because of the presence of Omega-3s in fish oil supplements that they can work well to help treat depression.

10. Zinc

Zinc is something that is also known to help reduce depressive symptoms and with good reason. People who are depressed usually have a significant amount less of zinc within their bodies than those who are not depressed. The more zinc within your body the less likely you are to have a problem with depression in itself.