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When it comes to making your life easier overall and promoting more positive connections you have to be aware of yourself as a person. We all have our differences and those differences either make us compatible or well… not. 

One of the best ways to get to know yourself more properly is to look into your human design type. While this isn’t necessarily a new concept it is something that a lot of people are seemingly unaware of. ‘Human design’ in itself is a system that helps us to really align with our purposes in life. 

In regards to how this concept works as follows was written on Health Manifested’s website:

It uses your birth time, birth location and birth date to calculate your chart. The positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets at the time of your birth play an important role in your life experience. The system interprets data similar to Astrology, but it also uses the Kabbalah, the I Ching and Quantum Physics.

Now to figure out what this kind of thing has to say about your life and your romantic encounters, you need to first figure out what your human design type is. In order to do that you will need your birth date, time, and location. Click here to generate a chart and find out what kind of human design type you are and then continue on below to see what that type means for you.


If you are this kind of human design type you are someone who spends a lot of time on all things regarding the law of attraction. You need a lot of rest and are also very successful without having to put much effort forth, within reason. You don’t stress as much as everyone else and this really works to your advantage. When it comes to love you need to be a little more willing to mix things up. You’re not going to be able to find someone who will stick around if you’re just hiding within all the time.


If you are this kind of human design type chances are you’re the kind of person who spends a lot of time listening to your intuitive side. You are always looking for the next big thing and have huge dreams. While you’re fun to be around you can be quite frustrating sometimes. When it comes to love you have to be more willing to set things in stone and stop guessing so much, the people who are interested in you are going to want more of a commitment.


If you are this kind of human design type you are someone who works to guide the people around you but also projects a lot of your emotions and other things of the sort on the people around you. You are someone who struggles to speak up and take charge and that holds you back in more ways than you might realize. You when it comes to love need to be more willing to give yourself time to recharge and more willing to stand up for yourself. If you allow everyone to take advantage of you, finding true love will be hard to do through all the toxic people you’re surrounded by.


If you are this kind of human design type you are someone who helps other people a lot more than most. You spend a lot of time making the decisions you make and you’re not the kind of person to dive into anything. For some reasons, these people tend to be quite clingy and in many ways are unwilling to try new things. When it comes to love you really need to be more willing to mix things up. 

You don’t have to jump through hoops to please others but you should be at least willing to say yes without going through extremes for your answer from time to time. If you don’t start being a little more adventurous you might really struggle to find someone who is capable of really making things work with you. It’s not as hard as you might think, just put yourself out there more.

Manifesting Generator

If you are this kind of human design type you are made up of both manifestor energy and generator energy. You always think things through properly before diving into them and are usually the type to face one thing at a time rather than all the issues before you at once. You love to share your thoughts and you are someone that people tend to be quite drawn to. 

All of this having been said, you struggle in love because you are not the kind of person who is willing to open up easily. You need to be more willing to show your true self to the people in your life. These people are by your side for a reason.