Jupiter will be going retrograde on April 10th and chances are you’re already feeling the energies make their way here. While not everything to come is going to be easy to handle, the more you embrace with open arms the further you will get.
This Jupiter retrograde is going to last about four months and means something different for each sign. Some signs will be reaping the romantic benefits while others may end up falling victim to a number of overly negative emotions. Below I am going to go over each zodiac sign and what they should be expecting as this retrograde begins. Perhaps this retrograde will be the learning experience we have all been waiting for.
You’re going to be feeling pretty on edge during the time that Jupiter is going to spend in retrograde. While it might seem without reason, as the days pass you will begin to understand where this tension is coming from. Spending more time working on yourself and giving yourself a break is something you need to consider. You need time to yourself and there is nothing wrong with taking a break.
While it might not be the most comfortable thing for you, the events to come during this retrograde are going to help you grow. You are going to be feeling a lot more yourself than you have in a very long time and that is something you will need to get used to. Some of the worst parts of your past may come to the light but in the end, you will be able to move forward without the baggage you’ve been struggling to carry.
This retrograde is going to offer you something you’ve been missing out on for too long. You are going to be finding a sense of courage and working to really put yourself out into this world. For a while now you’ve been closing yourself off and cutting ties with the people who care the most about you, that needs to stop.
You’re about to have a serious wake-up call. You’ve been spending too much time allowing other people to live your life for you. You need to figure out what you want and this retrograde is going to provide the perfect opportunity for that. Sure, your current situation isn’t the worst you’ve been in but it isn’t one that serves you. New things are headed your way.
The world is a scary place for you right now. You’re facing a lot of pain and struggle but doing your best to be strong. As this retrograde moves forth you are going to realize how small you really are. Sure, you want to be the center of attention but right now that isn’t possible. Perhaps you should consider whether or not the path your on is the path you should be on before it’s too late to make the changes you need to make.
Time is something you feel like you aren’t getting enough of. Every day it seems like there is something else pilling up on top of you and you are not the best at ‘handling’ it. This retrograde is going to knock you off of your feet and if you work with the energies instead of against them you might find that to be a good thing. These energies could bring forth abundance if you are willing to take the risks necessary to embrace the opportunity.
This retrograde is going to put you in a place that allows you to become more in tune with your own emotions. You are going to be spilling your guts once and for all to the person who matters the most in your life. While normally you would bottle up the things you’re feeling, Jupiter is not going to allow it. Remember that even if you stumble, the fact that you’re actually trying is going to benefit you in the long run.
You have been through a lot lately and the next few months are going to be a period of relaxation. You’re going to be expressing yourself more and finding something that makes you happy. While loving yourself and being true to your heart is not something you’re good at, it is something this retrograde is going to have you working on.
Now is the time for you to really come out of your shell. Normally you find ways to avoid doing this and are constantly moving on without building true connections. This retrograde is going to have you diving into your past and really opening up to someone who matters more to you than you initially thought. Perhaps you’re in store for an unexpected treat in the months to come.
The four months to come are not going to be easy for you. They are going to be quite intense and packed with stress. You’re going to be making some serious decisions and most of them are going to leave you feeling as if you’ve made some mistakes. Remember that no matter what if you make the decision that is best for you, you’ve done the right thing. Sometimes we just cannot please everyone and coming to terms with that will do you more good than you can ever imagine.
Jupiter’s retrograde is going to have you looking to your spiritual side. You’re going to be spending a lot of time meditating and trying to overcome some of the struggles you’ve been facing. This period is going to be quite freeing for you as you are going to be able to get through it with minimal strain. Perhaps others could learn a thing or two from you.
This is not going to be a good retrograde for you but it will be an important one. You are going to be exploring a lot more in the months to come and trying to overcome the setbacks that have been placed before you. If you want your future to be as bright as you say you do, perhaps this dark moment will get you there.