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While we normally hear a lot about our chakras and how important it is to keep them in check, chances are you’ve been unaware that your soul star chakra even existed. For those who may be curious, this chakra itself might be the difference you’re looking for.

While a lot of people tend to think the crown chakra is our link to our higher self, there is something more prominent than that which happens to be our soul star chakra. This chakra is located above the crown chakra and honestly, not a lot of people are aware of it. This chakra is one that allows us to connect with our higher selves on a much deeper level and the more we work with it the more aligned we can become. 

This chakra is our eighth chakra and it tends to be quite hidden for some reason. However, when you become aware of it things change drastically. While it might not sound like much, this chakra point can and will help you to see things more properly if you allow it to. 

Healing Crystals For You wrote as follows on their website about this chakra:

The soul star chakra is the area where we connect with our higher self, and through this develop spiritual abilities. This chakra’s meaning is a lot about the idea of ‘letting go‘.

It relates to allowing the Divine light of Spirit, and the white ray to fill your life and this energy encourages you to let go of old attitudes that may otherwise have held you back in your current life.

It is via this chakra that specific information is downloaded, to the chakras below. One of the reasons we do not normally have access to this information is that it may also be quite confronting.

It is via this chakra that specific information is downloaded, to the chakras below. One of the reasons we do not normally have access to this information is that it may also be quite confronting.

As you can see, this chakra is not one to be ignored. It is important and those who are moving through life unaware of it are seriously missing out. If you want to reach true enlightenment becoming aware of this chakra point can help put you on that path. 

In order to nurture this chakra point and make sure it’s getting what it needs, you must take steps. For instance, the more you work to live your life as you see fit the more powerful this chakra will become. This chakra is one that grows energy as we ourselves begin to flourish. The more authentic you are and the more you’re willing to grow, the better. 

That being said, it should also be noted that you should not abuse this chakra and use the energies it brings as a means to escape the things you’re facing right now. That in itself won’t work and will only end up leaving this chakra blocked. You must use it properly because if not, it will end up causing you pain overall. 

This chakra might not be one that a lot of people are aware of but it is one that packs a powerful punch. You can work with it or against it, that is up to you. I for one have been working with mine for a long time and am now feeling much more tuned into my higher self than before. Yes, it takes time but it is well worth that time. 

To learn more about the soul star chakra take a look at the video below. While it’s not as clear cut as it might sound, it’s important. We need to be able to understand things like this. 

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