Throughout the process of learning, knowing and understanding ourselves we will, at some point, come across some traits that may be difficult to accept. This darker side of our personality is also known as our Shadow Self. This part of our unconscious mind is said to be composed of instincts, impulses, perversions, embarrassing fears, desires, and repressed ideas. These traits, viewed as our ‘dark traits,’ stay hidden in the recesses of our unconscious minds; however, they continue to play a significant role in the decisions that we make in our daily lives. Interested in what is hiding in your Shadow Self? Take this test to find out!
This part of our unconscious mind is said to be composed of instincts, impulses, perversions, embarrassing fears, desires, and repressed ideas. These traits, viewed as our ‘dark traits,’ stay hidden in the recesses of our unconscious minds; however, they continue to play a significant role in the decisions that we make in our daily lives. Interested in what is hiding in your Shadow Self? Take this test to find out!
What do you see first in this picture?

If you saw the BEAR: You are driven by your heart!
If the first thing that you saw when looking at the picture was the figure of the bear, then this is indicative of someone whose demons lie deep within their heart. Your battle between good and evil is always raging, beginning at a very young age and continuing through to today. Your struggles, the war between good and evil, can be found deeply rooted in your heart, impacting your every emotional decision.
Your ‘Shadow Self’ is incredibly strong and powerful, much like that of the bear. In fact, you may find that it is too powerful at times for you to feel as though you can manage. If you feel as though the energy of this force is overwhelming you, you must learn to ground yourself. The most effective tool for doing so is to practice meditation. Embrace the emotions that your Shadow Self brings forward, and you will harness the ability to control them.
If you saw the MOUNTAIN: You are driven by your thoughts!
If you look at the above picture and the first thing that catches your eye is the mountains, this is a sign that you are a work in progress. For alchemists, the mountain symbolizes the ‘Road of Adepts.’ This is a difficult road to take which requires great effort in order to climb to the top. You aren’t afraid of a little hard work, and are likely a bit of a workaholic, putting your career ahead of your personal life. You find you are exhausted, burnt out, but you can’t seem to pull yourself back from all that you feel responsible for accomplishing each day.
The top of a mountain is a lonely place, which is representative of the way that you view your life. You have built great walls around your heart, keeping anyone out who may try to get close to you. This is due to the fact that you have convinced yourself that no one else could possibly understand you. The truth is that you also have a deeply rooted desire for acceptance which you will never receive unless you allow yourself to open up and be honest with those you care about.
If you saw the TREES: You are driven by your spirit!
If the first aspect of this picture that stood out to you was the forest of trees, then you are highly social, even if you don’t care to admit it. Much like the interconnected roots of the trees in a forest, you desire to build a connection with everyone that you are connected with in your life – family, friends, coworkers, those you share a hobby with, etc.
You are a highly emotional individual; however, you may feel as though you need to hide these emotions from those around you. Don’t let the fact you have been let down by people in the past keep you from taking your current relationships to a deeper, more connected level. Open up to your friends and experience the reality of life together – laugh, cry, scream, flirt – Share in the highs and lows that come with genuinely living.
If you saw the MOON: You are driven by your dreams!
If amongst everything that is going on in this picture, the first thing you see is the small moon and its stars, this may be a sign that you are spiritually something far deeper than most who will take this test. You can be compared to those of the Fairy World, magical beings who have been touched by spirits and entities that exist outside of our own realm.
You have a connection to the many higher and invisible forces in this world, both while you are awake and in your dreams. While you sleep, you may experience highly detailed dreams during which you are visited by angels, fairies, or loved ones that you have lost. They are bringing you a message, and it is important that you listen to them. These messages carry significance in your future and the future of those around you, leading you towards your destiny as foretold by the universe. If you have a hard time remembering these dreams, take the time to write them down as soon as you wake up so that you don’t miss any details!
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Inspired by an article written by The Mind’s Journal