You might not think much about the things you like or the things you are drawn to, but you should. Our subconscious is much more aware of our true colors than we ever could be.
Take a look at the image below. At first glance, it might look like an animal-less abstract work of art but if you look closely you will notice quite a few different creatures. Which animal did you see first?

Image Credit: Istock
Once you know which one you saw first, continue on to see what that might mean in regards to who you are. The more you look the more you will see. The animal I first saw was the Giraffe. Which one was yours?
The Pig
If the pig was the first animal you noticed then you are most likely someone that goes out of his or her way to really lighten the moods of others. You take your time to show the people around you that you care, and you spend a lot of time making a difference in their lives. You take the small things for what they are and you don’t overstep boundaries.
The Koala
If the koala was the first animal you noticed then you are someone that likes to be around others and spends a lot of time getting to know new people. You are kind and gentle but can be a bit of a douche from time to time. That being said, your personality is one that others are without a doubt drawn to.
The Cat
If the cat was the first animal you noticed, then you are most likely someone with a very sharp closed off personality. You probably don’t open up too much and are usually quick to give the cold shoulder. That being said, when you want something you are not afraid to come out and get it.
The Elephant
If the elephant was the first animal you noticed then you are someone that likes to look at things from an outside perspective. You are very driven and always working to get things done. Sure, you might seem a bit scary at first but everyone knows that your heart is in the right place all the time. There is no hiding emotions from you.
The Owl
If the owl was the first animal you noticed then you are someone that does not like being the center of attention. You like to stay to yourself and only come out when needed. You are powerful and strong but rarely ever have to put those forces to work.
The Duck
If the duck was the first animal you noticed then you are someone that refuses to really open up. You tend to be very closed off and hidden. Sure, people can look from a distance but once they try to get close you run away. You are not someone that does well in crowds and you just want to be able to live peacefully.
The Bear
If the bear was the first animal you noticed then you are someone that knows all about the beauty of the things we do not understand. You are protective and able to keep your calm in most situations within reason. A lot of the traits within you are conflicting but you make them work.
The Giraffe
If the giraffe was the first animal you noticed then you are someone that likes to talk and share information. You go out of your way to see what is happening in the lives of those around you. If you can help, you do so without being asked. This is just how you are.
Don’t see your animal? Let us know!
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