Mercury will be moving into Capricorn very soon and with that lots of shifting is happening. This energy will place us where we need to be in order to grow and as a result, we will without a doubt grow.
As Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 28th things will be finally calming down. We’re going to be able to look inward and find ourselves in ways we otherwise have not been capable of. Through all this ordeal has to offer we will finally find a sense of productivity before the New Year makes its way here.
Below I am going to go over each zodiac sign and what the people belonging to them should expect in the time that Capricorn and Mercury are one. While this will be a bit confusing for some it is our opportunity to really find ourselves and become who we want to be. This will be setting the mood for 2020 in a huge way.
During the time that Mercury spends in Capricorn, you’re going to be getting a lot done. While you’re usually a busy-body things are going to be heating up more so than usual. You might find that the more you do the more payoff you find. However, you do need to keep in mind that if you over-do it too much you will lose sight of what matters the most.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you will be working to discuss things more properly with the people who matter the most to you. Over the past few months you’ve been unable to get your feelings out and now is your chance to shine. Things are finally going to be out of the way and you don’t have to worry about any misunderstandings.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you’re going to be offered the chance to learn what is real and what isn’t. For some reason, you’ve in recent times fallen into a cycle of giving into things that you shouldn’t and as that has brought you down, you’ve also managed to bring the whole mood of your existence down. Here is your chance to cheer up and get back in touch with reality.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you’re going to be getting a lot done. You’ve been slacking big time lately and it shows. Stop letting the important things fall through the cracks. You need to work harder now so that when the future comes around you can be where you want to be.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you’re going to be able to see the bigger picture for all it has to offer. You’re finally going to see where you’re headed and all of your hard work is going to start paying off. Do not let this go to your head, I repeat, do not let this go to your head.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you’re going to be able to finally get your point across. The way you think is changing and with that, you’re also learning more about how to address the people closest to you. As you adapt, situations become much easier to face.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you’re going to be facing a lot of goals that need to be carried out and followed through. You might feel like there is a lot of work to do but the truth is you’re already half-way there. Put forth the right efforts and you might be further than you think before 2020 rolls around.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, things are going to have you feeling a bit out of whack. Do not let that get you down. You’re headed towards a period in your life where you’re going to be very happy. If you can hang in there for a little longer, everything will begin to pay off properly.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you need to work to ground yourself. You’ve been running around and wasting so much time lately that you’ve lost sight of who you are and where you were headed. Sometimes we just need a break and here is your chance to take one.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn is going to force you to stop thinking so negatively. You’re about to go through a serious mind shift and it is going to help you grow in big ways. You are doing great and you’re not supposed to be cutting yourself down so much. Being positive is not as hard as you think it is.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn is a puzzle for you in many ways. You are going to feel like everyone seems happier but you. This is because you’re not allowing these energies to work in your life as they want to. You cannot force things to fit where you want them to fit. Let them fall as they wish and see where they take you.
During the time that Mercury is in Capricorn, you are going to be taking action and making changes. Now is your chance to do something huge and as the passion within your mind lights on fire you will find out just what that action needs to be. Stop trying to make sense and just do what your heart pushes you to do.