While we’re all isolated and to ourselves during this pandemic, some interesting things are happening in the world. Some of these things happen often and others, not so much.
Recently someone was actually able to capture a rare moment on camera (in video and photograph) that will likely blow your socks off. This rare moment being one that consists of neon blue waves crashing into the shore. While waves are usually blue in color they hardly ever look like this. The photographer who managed to capture some footage of this truly caught something special.
You see, these waves are extra neon because of the things present in the water. In this case, they were given their bioluminescent look because they likely held bioluminescent phytoplankton within them which is something National Geographic has written about in the past. This is something we’ve seen before in the but do not see often. That being said, it could also have been the presence of some kind of algae in the water.

(Credit: Patrickc_la Instagram/Patrick Coyne)
Now, according to CNN the interesting video that you will see below as noted above were captured when Mark Girardeau was out with two photographer friends who happen to be Royce Hutain and Patrick Coyne. The beach they were on is still open to the public but only to those who are social distancing and able to be outdoors together properly. These three noted they were the only ones on that beach the night they captured this.
Conye actually posted the footage he caught of this moment on his Instagram with the caption stating as follows:
•Newport Beach Bioluminescence•
Last night’s bioluminescence in Newport Beach was incredible! So far it’s the brightest I’ve ever seen. My buddy @markgirardeau called me letting me know that there was a red tide which was originally discovered by @visual_burrito earlier that day. It doesn’t always happen but a red tide could indicate some bioluminescence which is why we went. Keeping our distance, of course, I ended up getting some pretty incredible video showing how blue and bright it really was. If you’ve never seen bioluminescence before it’s definitely something you have to see with your own eyes! Newport Beach is among some of the beaches in Orange County that are still open, just wanted to mention that. I hope you guys enjoy the videos!
As you can see above the sight itself was marvelous and one I am sure these three men will never forget. How would you have felt if you saw something like this in person? I for one would be blown away. Whatever it is, this is truly marvelous.