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A partial lunar eclipse is set to coincide with a supermoon next week, creating a stunning celestial event visible across much of the world.

During the night of September 17-18, the Earth will move between the Sun and the full Moon, casting its shadow over the lunar surface.

This spectacular sight will be observable from Europe, Africa, large parts of Asia, and North and South America. As the Moon reaches its closest approach to Earth in 2024, it will appear bigger and brighter in the sky.

NASA notes that on the evening of Tuesday, September 17, as twilight ends, the Moon will rise 11 degrees above the east-southeastern horizon, with Saturn positioned 14 degrees above the horizon to the upper right. Later, the Earth’s shadow will begin covering a small portion of the Moon.

The partial eclipse will start at 8:41 pm EDT (1:41 am BST on Wednesday). Initially, the dimming will be subtle, but by 10:13 pm, the upper edge of the Moon will begin entering the full shadow. The peak of the eclipse will occur at 10:44 pm, with 8.4 percent of the Moon in full shadow. The event will conclude shortly after.

For those outside the viewing range or under cloudy skies, Time and Date will stream the eclipse live on YouTube.

As the full Moon passes through Earth’s shadow, it will take on a slight reddish tint, as sunlight filters through Earth’s atmosphere.

“Lunar eclipses happen during a full Moon when Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon,” explains Don Pollacco, a professor of physics at the University of Warwick. “Earth’s shadow, as seen from the Moon, is much larger than the Moon itself, allowing the eclipse to last a significant amount of time and be visible across an entire hemisphere.”

Pollacco further elaborates that eclipses create umbral and penumbral shadows, depending on the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The darkest eclipses occur when the Moon passes through the umbral shadow, while penumbral eclipses, where the Moon only moves through Earth’s outer shadow, are much subtler and harder to detect.

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