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If you are an energy sensitive person you most likely already feel things heating up right now, while these energies do not hold power over us just yet they are still quite present in more ways than you might realize. This full moon will be in Gemini and will bring forth serious changes in our lives. Whether you are ready for it or not, it is just days away.

This full moon is one that makes us more willing to be spontaneous and will open up both our minds and our mouths. Anything we’ve been needing to get off our minds will be coming to the surface during this time. Sharing your feelings during this time is very important and should be done as frequently as possible within reason. 

In regards to these energies, Leah Whitehorse wrote as follows on her website in regards:

This is the last Full Moon of the year and the decade. The Moon is in Gemini, an airy, intellectual sign that seeks to categorize, connect and gather information. Lying opposite is the Sun in Sagittarius, a fiery, inspiration sign that is searching for a higher truth. Both signs are connected on some level with education, knowing, learning, teaching. Gemini is school, Sagittarius is a university. Gemini is facts, Sagittarius is philosophies. Gemini is a linear language, Sagittarius is a symbolic language. During this lunation, we swing between the big picture and the little picture and try to make sense of what we know.

The more willing you are to work with these energies the freer you will become. Through allowing your soul to finally feel things and speaking rather than staying silent you are going to be able to move mountains in ways you never thought you could. Sure, it might be scary but that is all part of the plan.

Remember not to be too hard on yourself during this time and really allow these energies to do what they intend to in your life. Focus on the positive and allow yourself to heal properly as time passes. This full moon will be intense and hard to follow in a lot of ways but you can handle things, I believe in you. You are capable of so much more than you limit yourself to and it is something you need to understand more properly.

For more information on this full moon and how it could end up affecting you please check out the video below. What do you think about all of this? I for one cannot wait. Sure, things might feel heavy now but as this full moon comes forth we are all in store for something truly mind-blowing. Are you ready to be freed?
