When people typically think of introverts they overall usually think that they want to be alone all the time and don’t like being around others but that’s not necessarily the case. Sure, introverts like to spend time alone but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in socializing from time to time.
Introverts just like everyone else need to be around others but just in their own way. Rather than going out every night with tons of people, the introvert would rather have a few people he/she is close with over from time to time. Yes, they want to be alone sometimes, and they like their space but that doesn’t mean they want to be on their own all the time. They still crave human interactions and like to have people around to talk to.
Introverts love having meals with friends and just spending time ‘chilling.’ While they’re not typically down to go ravage the town, they are always usually up to spend some time talking to those who they trust on the deeper level. If you’re an introvert I am sure you know what I mean here. While you might not socialize all the time or a lot you do need to do it and enjoy doing it on the level that works for you.
Even introverts can become lonely, that is something we should not forget. Everyone is different and while some introverts may want to do more others may not. None of us are pages cut from the same book.
VeryWell Family wrote as follows breaking this topic down a bit:
Introverts need a lot of personal space. They like being in a room alone with the door closed and those who don’t understand introverts believe this desire to be alone is a sign of depression. However, for introverts this behavior is normal; it is not a sign of withdrawing from life. Being around others is tiring for them so they need time alone in order to regain some of their energy. Being alone also gives them a chance to think and figure things out uninterrupted. Introverts don’t enjoy large parties and if they have to attend one, prefer to spend their time with just one or two others, talking about what they all know a lot about. Introverted children may prefer to play on the side with one or two other children.
Introverts enjoy activities they can do alone or with just a few others. It’s not surprising, then, that so many introverted gifted children love to read. They also tend to prefer activities that allow for creative expressions, like creative writing, music, and art. Introverted children also enjoy a quiet and imaginative play. When presented with an opportunity to participate in a group activity or game, introverts prefer to hang back and watch before they join in. Many people see this as shyness, but it’s not. They feel more comfortable with situations that are familiar to them and they are simply trying to become familiar with the activity before they join in.
Introverts tend to be quiet and subdued. They dislike being the center of attention, even if the attention is positive. It’s not surprising, then, that introverts don’t brag about their achievements or knowledge. In fact, they may know more than they’ll admit. It may be the introverted gifted children who are more at risk for “dumbing down” since they would be more likely to want to hide their abilities. When introverts are tired, in a large group, or if too much is going on, they may show little animation, with little facial expression or body movement.
While introverts may appear to lack social skills or be antisocial, neither is true. Their style of social interaction is simply different from that of extroverts. They tend to listen more than they talk and are excellent listeners. They are attentive and will make eye contact with the person they are listening to and rarely interrupt. When they do talk, introverts tend to say what they mean and may look away from the person they’re talking to. They dislike small talk and would rather say nothing than something they feel is insignificant. Although introverts are quiet, they will talk incessantly if they’re interested in the topic. They also dislike being interrupted when they talk, or when they’re working on some project.
This meaning that while the introvert is ‘different’ in how he/she does things and interacts with others, he/she still does interact with others. We all do things in our own ways. As an introvert, I love spending time with my friends and family here and there. We make nice dinners at home, watch movies, and spend a lot of time catching up and it means the world to me.