Right now Venus is currently moving towards something astrologers refer to as ‘out of bounds.’ While most people won’t know what that entails, if you’re energy sensitive you’re feeling it big time.
From November 13th to December 13th Venus will be traveling out of bounds as noted above and with that, we will be gaining some pretty intense energies as this kind of traveling amplifies EVERYTHING. You will be feeling as if the things going on in your life and the people around you are either too much or not enough and find that lots of things are being thrown out of whack during this time. Sure, you can make it through but it won’t be easy.
In astrology, Venus works as a symbol in a lot of ways. It is related to our romantic lives, friendships, aesthetics overall, and in some ways even our personal values. When out of bounds normal things won’t be happening, at all. Everything will be thrown off and you might find yourself doing things you otherwise would never consider, to begin with.
While Venus begins this process in Sagittarius it does not end things there. For a little while we will be focused on breaking free and moving forth but as Venus finds itself in the sign Capricorn a lot of changes will occur. You will be more in control and working towards goals.
During this time do your best to remain as grounded as possible and don’t burn any bridges just yet. While sharing your advice and wisdom with others could be something you’re drawn to do, try to avoid it. Use the energies before you to push through the bad things that are happening and really liven up the world around you. Sure, it’s going to be complicated at best but you’ve got a lot more going for you than you can see in the present moment.
Each of us will be affected differently but overall the things noted above will be present in our lives moving forth. Do not become overwhelmed and remember to smile above all else. Change on this level is never as bad as we make it out to be and you will soon come to terms with that on your own.
For more information on what out of bounds planets in general consist of and the energies, they hold please feel free to check out the video below. There is a lot headed our way and a lot that we’re moving away from. You can and will begin to find more of yourself as this whole thing unfolds.