On March 18, the full moon in Virgo will be upon us, and this is a wonderful opportunity for us to get our lives in order and wrap up old projects or goals. If you’ve been trying to motivate yourself, now is the time.
Full moons are a time for culmination and manifestation, and are the perfect time to push for the completion of a goal or project. During this time, we are pushed to reflect and tune into ourselves for growth and empowerment. Virgo energy is very practical and driven and is all about doing whatever it takes to get $hit done. If you’ve been feeling a bit stuck lately, this energetic push is going to be exactly the thing you need. And because this energy can manifest differently for each of us, I decided to do a tarot reading.
For this special full moon, I have pulled three tarot cards. Look at the three cards below, close your eyes, and tune out the rest of the world. Which card is calling to you? The card that calls to you the most is the message that you need to hear most during this time.
1. The Six of Pentacles
If you picked card number one, you got the six pentacles. The six pentacles represent giving and receiving. During this time, it’s important to evaluate how much you are giving of yourself and how much you are accepting in return. Are you spending time with the right people and investing in yourself? If not, it’s time to.
2. Six of Cups
If you picked card number two, you got the six cups. When this card appears, it’s time to return to what brings you peace. Have you been so busy that you’ve been missing out on true connection? Sometimes when life gets busy, it can be really helpful to take a step away from it all and connect with what really matters. Go see a friend you haven’t seen in awhile, or call up that relative you always mean to check on but don’t.
3. Justice
If you chose the third card, you picked Justice. Justice represents fairness, balance and the relationship between cause and effect. When this comes up in a reading it means you get what you put in, and if you are trying to receive a specific outcome, you must align your actions with your intended outcome. If you’ve been working really hard-this card says “You are about the get the rewards you have been working so hard for, keep pushing.” However, if you’ve been doing something shady, it’s a sign that your actions are about to be exposed, and you will be judged accordingly.”