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In recent times it seems something marvelous has happened, a flying car has spent some time in the air successfully. Sure, we hear about things like this from time to time but this flying car is truly unique and quite spectacular in appearance.

This specific car was developed by KleinVision which is a company that seemingly transforms road vehicles into air vehicles. They posted footage of this maiden flight on October 27th and it has many quite excited. While they still have a ways to go according to Flight Global the company claims they will likely have flying cars on market the year after next.

This vehicle is known as the AirCar and if you’ve seen the video you most likely would love to have one of your own, though they are likely going to be very pricy. A car that can run on the road and in the air is an amazing idea and seeing it in action really blows most people away. I for one am quite impressed.


Flight Global wrote as follows on this unique vehicle:

Klein, a university professor of transportation design, has been working on his concept since the then-Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution of 1989 opened the country. The version that flew is his fifth, and has been in development since Klein and his co-founder Anton Zajac set up the company in 2016.

Klein, a university professor of transportation design, has been working on his concept since the then-Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution of 1989 opened the country. The version that flew is his fifth, and has been in development since Klein and his co-founder Anton Zajac set up the company in 2016.

The prototype is powered by a 1.6-litre, six-cylinder, 140hp (104kW) BMW motorcycle engine that, in flying mode, drives a shaft attached to the propeller supplied by local firm DM Prop. A switch converts the steering wheel to a yoke that connects to the control surfaces.

“It really behaves like an aircraft in aircraft mode,” says Klein.

He says the concept’s four-wheel undercarriage creates a “self-lifting” fuselage shape that provides 27% of the lift, with dimensions – the body is 6.2m x 1.8m – that allow it to be parked in a conventional garage.

The composite aircraft weighs 1,100kg (2,430lb) and can carry a load of 200kg, says Klein. Slovakia has a rich heritage in light aircraft stretching back to communist times, and several suppliers, including fuselage builder SK Model, helped manufacture the prototype, it says.

To see this interesting vehicle in action take a look at the video below. Isn’t it amazing? Would you drive something like this or perhaps fly it?