As we move into the new year, energies are shifting! That in itself can affect each of us in so many different ways.
At the end of December, we were all feeling as though things were finally coming together which was and will always be a very positive thing. Many of us have in the past few days been working to accept the emotions before us and hoping to leave behind anything negative in our lives. As the energies before us shift and 2020 makes its presence known, we all feel more aware of ourselves and the people around us.
We are getting closer and closer to the time of transformation and with that, we’re all going to be experiencing powerful changes. For the first few days of January, there is no doubting that we’re going to be a little on edge and feel as though we’re going through something serious. While we might not understand all that is before us, our energetic bodies are becoming overwhelmed and with good reason.
In regards to these 2020 energies Lee Harris energy wrote as follows on their website:
There are so many different themes for this month but one of the first things that came through (and one that has also been showing up for lots of people during November) is the Strength of the new and incoming 2020 Energy. Those of you who track the way that energy feels and the way everything moves on the planet will have noticed that the energy 2020 is pointing to it being a very strong and very bright year. It feels very much like those incredibly bright young children that you meet, who are curious, yes, but mostly full of highly engaged energy and forward momentum. There is going to be a lot of forwarding momentum, especially compared to the last few years and some of you will already be feeling that 2020 energy coming in. It can show up in different ways and some of the key characteristics are:
A new level of optimism.
A new level of connection to everything that you are doing and seeing in the world.
A very deep feeling of strength – perhaps a strength that feels new to you or that you’ve been missing for a while, that’s now coming back into your life.
If you haven’t already begun feeling it, this strong energy will start to hit some of you in December. 2020 is going to be a strong year and it’s leading us into a cycle of years that are going to bring a lot of change, a lot of innovation and much shaking the tree to see what comes loose. And that’s already moving through a great many of us right now.
The year 2020 is going to kick off on a great note. It is a year of accomplishments and will help us all to work to create results within our lives that we can truly be happy about. We will be finding a new sense of security and embracing more than ever before.
Once this energy shift is over with we will all be left with a lot of open doors that we can choose to travel through or ignore. The way we face what these energies leave behind for us decides how we play out as the year follows through. From now and up until the 5th these energies are going to be a bit all over the place so don’t be too concerned about making sure everything is set in stone just yet.
Go with the flow and see where you end up. You might be right before a lot more opportunities than you are initially able to see. Everything in this world happens for a reason. Perhaps 2020 for you could be the year you finally get everything straightened out.