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There is going to be a partial solar eclipse in Capricorn on the 5-6th of January depending on where you are in the world. This will be bringing forth great opportunities in your life and you should be working more properly to harness the energies before you.

These energies will be changing your life in ways you might not expect them to. They will be sticking with us for a few weeks and working wonders in our lives. The power of Capricorn partnered with the partial solar eclipse will highlight all that is before us and force us to really take the time to look at all of the possible options we have coming forth. You will be much more patient and ready to grow in the best possible ways.

If you truly want to make the most of what is to come, you need to find a ritual that works for you. Below I am going to go over a ritual that I use for times like this one and if you want to give it a try you are more than welcome to. This ritual will allow you to properly step forward into the days to come and perhaps reveal the things you’ve been working so hard to find.

Capricorn Solar Eclipse Ritual:

Things Needed:

1 White Candle
Some Paper
A Pen/Pencil
Smudging Tools
A Place to Dig (This could be a pot with soil inside or even a section outdoors you can work with.)


Sit alone in a quiet place and relax. Smudge your area as well as your body. Once you have done this light your candle and close your eyes. Relax and really meditate over the things you want to gain in the months to come. Figure out where you want to go from here and what has been holding you back. Really allow yourself to bring any and everything of importance to mind and then let it all go.

After doing this breathe for a few moments mindfully, thank the universe for placing you where you are and thank your guardians for all they’ve done for you thus far. Now ask yourself what the three things are that you want to do and be; are there things that need changing?

Write these three things down without second-guessing yourself and fold them into one small piece. Now, light your candle and dig a small hole. Hold this paper slip in your hands and meditate over it. Using your mind’s eye push all of the energy that you can into this paper and call on the universe to continue to work for you to bring you towards the things you have written.

Once you have finished this, place the paper into the hole you dug and pour the wax that has melted off of the candle into the hole as well and bury your slip of paper. In doing this you are planting the seed of success and prosperity in your life for many months to come. While this might sound a bit silly it is going to bring so much positivity into your life.

Featured Image Via Colleen Pinski