If you’re someone who works hard and loves getting things done, you might need to consider taking a step back from time to time. While those paychecks might be great at the end of each week, the overworking could be causing something you want no part in.
While most people work about 40 hours each week, there are tons of people who work much more than that. If you’re getting over 52 hours each week, your risks of balding are doubling and you need to be aware of it. For this study, researchers examined 13,000 men and in that, they found that there are hormone changes in different parts of the body (this including the head) that stress impacts a lot.
This hormone change sadly is one that inhibits the growth of hair follicles for reasons unknown to us. This research took place in South Korea where it is extremely common for men to work long hours like those suggested above. According to Daily Mail, the academics behind this study are as a result urging legislators to limit the number of hours people can be employed. While these findings come from researchers at the Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea the work in regards is not completely done. We still need to know why this happens.
It should also be mentioned that these researchers factored in other stressors such as marital status, education, household income, smoking, and other things of the sort. Working long hours above all else should be noted as very significant in relation to the development of alopecia or merely hair loss as a whole, in general. While we do not often think about the impacts our hectic lives can have on us, hair loss seems to be a big impact all the while.
Lead author on these findings Kyung-Hun Son told Daily Mail as follows in regards:
“The results of this study demonstrate that long working hours is significantly associated with the increased development of alopecia in male workers.”
“Limitation of working hours in order to prevent alopecia development may be more necessary from younger workers, such as those in the 20s and 30s, at which hair loss symptoms start to appear.”
“Preventative interventions to promote appropriate and reasonable working hours are required in our society.”
“A lot of studies have revealed the mechanism of alopecia development by stress.”
“In mice experiments, stress was significantly related to the inhibition of hair growth, induction of catagen cycle, and damage of hair follicles.”
While these researchers did not look at women for their study, research on females might come in the future. What do you think about all of this? Does it make sense to you?
Sure, going bald might not sound that bad to everyone but many people feel like their hair makes them who they are. Losing your hair is never fun regardless of the age you’re present in. How would you feel if you learned later in life that you ended up going bald because you worked too much?