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All it takes is just one moment to capture the perfect moment on camera. While you might not realize it, the possibilities are endless when it comes to this kind of thing.

Below you will find some of the most perfectly timed photos. While some of these are quirky and fun the rest are quite majestic and mesmerizing. It takes a lot of talent and luck to be able to capture things like this. How many of these unique shots have you seen before? My favorite is number 23.

28 Fantastic Photos Captured At The Perfect Moment:

#1 – Water Woman

#2 – Long Neck Puppy

#3 – Mirror Mirror On The Bar?

#4 – Dragon Dog

#5 – Murman?

#6 – Excitement At Its Best

#7 – Ruining The Moment

#8 – Forced Perspective In The Best Ways

#9 – Ice Caves

#10 – Steamy Shower

#11 – Floating Paperclip?

#12 – Traffic Lights From The Best Angle

#13 – Spider Webs In Street Lights

#14 -Olympic Completion

#15 – Where You Going?

#16 – Eye Or Sink?

#17 – Standing On The Moon

# 18 – Life and Death

#19 – Where Is Her Head?

(Image Via: Bernetti)

#20 – Hungry Baby Birds

#21 – Birth In The Sea

#22 – Yawns For Days

#23 – Bad Weather, Perfect Timing

#24 – From The Best Perspective

#25 – A Broken Moment