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A lot of times, when we think of chores and responsibilities, we think of older kids and adults being the only ones who are capable. However, smaller kids can and should have some responsibility (that is age-appropriate) to give them a sense of purpose, and to instill a sense of discipline in them that will continue to develop as they get older.

According to parenting expert Jim Fay, everyone needs to feel needed and to know they are contributing, even children. “But they can’t feel that way if they don’t have chores and make contributions to the family,” Fay says. If you are wondering how to go get your kids on board and how to accommodate chores for your kids. Here are a few helpful tips, before we get into the responsibilities.

1. Start ASAP. The sooner you get started, the more they will get into the routine of it all.
2. Remember to give lots of praise for their effort.
3. Be consistent.
4. DO NOT expect perfection.
5. Make a chart.

Here are 9, age-appropriate chores your kids can do.

1. Caring for pets.

If you have pets, this is a great opportunity to teach your child responsibility. Of course, depending on their age, you may have to help. Things like feeding the pet, giving them water, and tossing puppy pads or kitty litter are great ways for them to contribute.

2. Helping prepare meals.

Invite your little one to help you make a meal. If they are too short to reach the counter, pull them up a stool or chair. Let them mix or pour in ingredients along the way. Even if you think they are too young to understand what you are saying, explain every step and its purpose. They will absorb what you are saying eventually and it will help them later on.

3. Organizing (with help.)

When you are organizing their toys or clothes, get them to help. Make it easy by setting out boxes that say keep, toss, and donate, so you can hand items and tell them exactly where to go. You can make it a game, and you’ll be surprised at how much they enjoy it.

4. Helping take care of siblings.

If your child has a younger sibling, recruit them to help. Ask them to grab items for you, to help them change diapers, and if they are old enough, they can help you feed the baby.

5. Keeping their room clean.

Beginning at an early age, your child can help you to clean their room. Show them how to pick up their toys and where they go. Keep a trash bin for trash and keep their room organized, so they can easily find where everything goes. As they get used to it, they will be able to do more and more by themselves.

6. Cleaning up their messes.

When your child makes a mess, have them clean it up. If they are too young to handle it alone, help them.

7. Making their bed.

Show your child how to make their bed and have them do it each day at the beginning of the day. Make it as easy as possible for them, and show them how to do it the first few times. After that, it should be relatively easy, but be wary of expecting perfection.

8. Picking up trash.

Even small kids can easily pick up trash. Give them a bag and send them around the house to pick up trash. You can even reward them with a treat for every five pieces of trash they pick up, or use a similar reward system.

9. Straightening up the family room.

If your home has a family room or equivalent, get your kids to help you straighten up. They can clear out trash, and straighten up throw pillows. Wipe off tables and put clutter in its place.